Faudzil @ Ajak

Faudzil @ Ajak
Always think how to do things differently. - Faudzil Harun@Ajak

20 October 2014

WELLNESS - 10 tips for stress-free holidays

10 tips for stress-free holidays
Planning, organizing and even going on holiday 
can be stressful, But help is at hand

1   Getting there
Whether you're driving or flying, let the internet be your guide. Websites such as www.travelmate.com.au can help you plan your trip, right down to creating custom maps for your itinerary.When traveling with kids, Cathy Wagstaff, editor of the Holidays With Kids website, says: "Give each child a map and a highlighter so they can mark off each town as you reach it. It stops them asking, 'Are we there yet?'"
To stave off boredom, portable dvd players, toys and games can all entertain kids while you're on the move. But it's also vital to let kids burn some energy while you rest. "Pack a frisbee or ball so the kids can run around and have some fun at the rest stops," Wagstaff says.
2   Excess Baggage
Airlines are cracking down on excess baggage, with many airlines now charging per kilogram for luggage over the allowance. Check your airline's website for weight limits and weigh your bags before you leave, allowing for a difference of a kilo or more between scales.Travel Journalist Ewen Bell says we need to think about what we really need . "The one essential to packing smart is buying a smaller bag. Then you have to decide what to leave at home."
What about the rolling and stuffing clothes trick? Forget it, Bell says: "Rolling and stuffing means you fit in more stuff, which means more weight. Packing light is easy once you decide to make do. Pack less and rinse out your clothes and let them dry in your room overnight."
3   Quick Confirmation
Airport delays can cause stress. To check your latest flight details, many airlines and airports now offer flight confirmation via SMS. If you're flying out of Sydney airport, text 199 00747 with your flight number and you will be sent a message with your departure and arrival details. Alternatively, visit Google and type in your airline and flight number. Your airline's website is also a smart place to visit for insider travel information, route maps and weather forecasts.
4   Budget-Busting Finance
Writer Justine Davies says a budget can help keep your holiday spending on track."A great, free online budgeting tool is available at www.understandingmoney.gov.au, and you can then use it as a template for next year's holiday," Davies says.
When it comes to working out what to spend your money on, Davies suggests making it a family affair. "Involve the kids in the budgeting process too. You can sit down together and work out how you can afford to do the things you want to do."
5   Perfectly packed
Facebook isn't just a spot to share your travel pics: it can help you organise your holiday too. Two Facebook applications, My Travel Checklist and Travel Calendar, can help organise your trip. For serious assistance, visit www.packinglistonline.com, which allows you to type in your destination, where you're staying and what you're doing, then devises a list of what you should pack based on the weather conditions during your holiday.
6   Healthy Travelling
A long drive is made more pleasant with a little forethought. Pack an Esky with water bottles, fruit and sandwiches. "Don't set a ridiculous deadline," Wagstaff says. "And factor in plenty of rest stops on a long road trip."
When travelling by plane, loading up on big meals isn't a good idea when your metabolism is slowed by enforced inactivity. "Minimise what you eat on a plane," says stress management consultant and British Airways spokesman Neil Shah. "Stay away from chocolate and coffee and keep yourself topped up with light snacks.
7   Stressing Less
Fitness expert Martha Lourey-Bird says our bodies are so used to running on high levels of adrenaline that stress becomes almost a normal state of mind and this can make it hard to switch off and relax when on holiday. Luckily, the best stress reliever is a little exercise.
Lourey-Bird says holidays are the perfect chance to form good habits. "When you're booking a holiday think of what active opportunities there will be. Whether it's walking tours or surfing lessons, holidays are the perfect time for all the family to get moving."
8   Compromise
Before you head off on holiday, check out what's on offer at your destination and ask everyone in the family what's on top of their to-do list. Then set an agenda, making sure that everyone has a chance to do what they would like at some stage.
9   Be a Tourist in Your Town
Stay home and get the holiday experience, Davies says. "Check out what your council has on offer for free or cost-effective days for kids," she says. "And don't overlook activities such as packing a picnic and going to the park, or going on a family bike ride."
10 Enjoy Yourself
The second you've shut the front door, you're on holiday, so leave your worries behind and enjoy every minute.
Source: http://www.bodyandsoul.com.au/

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