Faudzil @ Ajak

Faudzil @ Ajak
Always think how to do things differently. - Faudzil Harun@Ajak

16 November 2014

EBOLA NEWS - Ebola-Stricken Surgeon Dr. Martin Salia Is on His Way to Nebraska

A critically ill surgeon diagnosed with Ebola is due to arrive in the U.S. on Saturday, officials said. Dr. Martin Salia will be the third patient treated at Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha — and the 10th Ebola patient to be treated on American soil. A plane transporting Salia left his native Sierra Leone around 11:30 p.m ET on Friday after a medical officials determined his condition was stable enough for the flight.
"Our staff has had a break since treating our last patient, so I know we’re ready to go," said Dr. Phil Smith, medical director of the biocontainment unit at Nebraska Medical Center. Salia is due to arrive around 3 p.m. CT (4 p.m. ET) on Saturday. A statement released by the hospital noted that information relayed by the team caring for him in Sierra Leone suggested Salia is "possibly sicker than the first patients successfully treated in the United States." Salia's wife and two children live in the D.C. suburb of New Carrollton, Maryland, and Salia is a legal U.S. resident. On Friday, Salia's son told NBC News that his dad knew the risks of working in West Africa but was committed to doing his part.
Published November 15th 2014, 9:27 am
Source: http://www.nbcnews.com/

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