Faudzil @ Ajak

Faudzil @ Ajak
Always think how to do things differently. - Faudzil Harun@Ajak

7 May 2013

CHEMICAL SAFETY - Chemical Hazard and Health Effects


By Faudzil Harun

Chemicals are widely used in many workplace. Exposure to hazardous chemicals can cause immediate unconsciousness and even death. It can also caused severe health effect. It is essential to understand the damages these chemicals can cause and how to prevent chemically induced illness.

Chemical Hazards

Common Forms of Chemicals Found at Work Place
Dust, Smoke, Gases, Fumes, Vapors, Solvents, Spirits, Thinners, Acid & Bases, Lubricants, Fuels, Pigments, Paints, Inks, Printing Toners, Waxes, Lacquers, Varnishes, Shellacs, Adhesives, Additives, Detergents, Resigns, Hardeners, Driers, Pesticides, Insecticides, Metal (waste) etc.

Chemicals Commonly Found at Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SME)

 Aluminium Frame
 Acrylic Sealant
 Car Body Filler Mfg
 Zinc Phosphate, Isobutyl Acetate, Xylene, Toluene,
 Propyl Alcohol, Butyl Alcohol, Calcite, Talc, Barytes,
 Nitrocellulose Chips, Bentone.
 Cotton Rolls
 Cotton Dust, Polycotton Dust.
 Dry Cleaning
 Perchloroethylene, Bleaching Agents.
 Foundry and    
 Propane Gas, Diesel, Gasoline, Carbon Monoxide,
 Carbon Dioxide, Silics Dust, Metal Fumes, Calcium
 Carbonate Dust, Caustic Soda, Trisodium Sulphate,
 Sodium Cyanide, Sulphuric Acid, Lacquer, Thinner.
 Furniture Carpentry
 Contact Cement (Colicol), Polyvil, Gasoline, Lacquer,
 Varnish, Epoxy Resins, Solvent.
 Furniture Upholstery
 Neoprene Adhesive, Synthetic Adhesive, Glue,
 Textile Dust, Sponge Dust.
 Gold Electroplating
 Gold Dust, Trisodium Phosphate, Caustic Soda,
 Sodium Cyanide, Sulphuric Acid, Hydrochloric Acid,
 Nitric Acid, Potassium Cyanide, Gasoline, Fine Wood
 Hot-Dip Galvanizing
 Hydrochloric Acid, Ammonium Chloride, Zinc, Zinc
 Chloride, Lead, Sodium Hydroxide, Diesel.
 Ink Production
 Ink Pigment Powder, Organic Solvent, Resin,
 Anti-forming Agents.
 Ketones, Alchohol, Ehter, Formalin, Chlorinated
 Metal Cleaning
 Trichloroethylene, 1,1,1-trichloroethane,
 Perchloroethylene, Methylene Chloride.
 Metal Works
 Methane Gas, Metal Fumes, Paint, Lacquer, Solvent,
 Paint Mfg
 Lead, White Spirit, Xylene, Toluene.
 Acetone, Ethanol, Methylene Chloride.
 Plastic Bags
 Colored Inks, Solvent (Isopropanol, Methyl Acetate).
 Alcohol, Ethers, Glycols, Ketone, n-hexane.
 Shoe Making
 Leather Dust, Rubber Dust, Coloring Materials,
 Hexane, Rubber Adhesive, White Spirit, Toluene.
 Textile Dyeing
 Acids, Alkalis, Bleaching Agents, Solvent, Dye,

Health Hazard

1.  Toxic (Very Toxic & Toxic)

     Extremely serious, acute or chronic health risk 

     and even death.

2.  Corrosive

     Destroy living tissues on contact with them.

3.  Irritant

     Non corrosive but through repeated or 

     prolonged contact can cause inflammation.    

4.  Harmful

     Limited health risk.

Special Precaution 

5.  Carcinogens  

     Substances or products which are directly involved in the promotion of 
     cancer or in the increase of its propagation if inhaled, swallowed or     
     absorbed through the skin.

6.  Mutagens

     Substances or products which changes the genetic material, usually DNA
     of an organism and thus increases the frequency of mutations above the
     natural background level if inhaled, swallowed or absorbed through the
     skin. As many mutations cause 
cancer, mutagens are therefore also likely
     to be 

7.  Teratogens

    Substances or products which adverse effects on sexual function and
     fertility and cause the development of abnormal 
cell masses during fetal
     growth, resulting in physical defects in the 
fetus if inhaled, swallowed or 
     absorbed through the skin. 

Catogeries of Health Effect

1.   Local Effect

      Health effect immediately after the first contactwith the substance.

2.   Systemic Effect

      Health effect after certain amount of chemical absorbed into the body.

3.   Immediate Effect

      Toxic effect that developes upon exposureto the substance.

4.   Reversible Effects

      Health Effect that will reduce and ceased after exposure expires.

Common Health Effects 

Caused by Exposure to Chemicals

Respiratory System

Health Effect

Carbon Dioxide, Ethane, Helium, Hydrogen, Methane, Nitrogen, Carbon Monoxide, Hydrogen Cyanide, Hydrogen Sulfide, Nitric Oxide, Nitrogen Dioxide, Nitrous Oxide, Sulfur Dioxide.
Cardiac Arrhythmia
Benzene, Trichloroethylene, Dyes, VCM.
Respiratory Irritation
Chlorine, Ammonia, Phosgene, Oxide of Nitrogen, Sulfur.
Occupational Asthma
Organic products of animals, Microbes or Vegetables.
Pneumoconiosis :
● Asbestosis
● Bagassosis

● Byssinosis
● Fibrosis
● Siderosis
● Silicosis
● Shaver’s Disease

● Stannosis
● Talcosis

- Asbestos
- Dust of bagase (fibrous material from sugar cane
  after the juice has been extracted).
- Cotton dust
- Mineral dust
- Iron dust
- Silica, Silicate
- Fumes from electric furnace in the production of
  corundum (alumina and silica).
- Tin dust or fumes
- Talc

Circulatory System

Health Effect

Carbon Tetrachloride, Cadmium Cobalt, Glyceryl Trinitrate

Digestive System

Health Effect

Peptic Ulcer
Arsenic, Acids and substance containing pepsin.
Liver Damage
Fungal toxin (arsenic).

Urinary Tract System

Health Effect

Bladder Cancer
Aromatic compound (i.e. synthetic dyes). Naphthylamine, 4-amino diphenyl benzidine and Cadmium.
Kidney Damage
Carbon Tetrachloride, Cadmium

Nervous System and Sense Organ

Health Effect

Decompression sickness (Narcotic effect)
Nitrogen (in the brain).
Damage of Central Nervous System
Carbon Monoxide, Lead, Mercury, Benzene, Solvents.
Other possible effects to Central Nervous System :
● Headache, Dizziness,
   Giddiness, Nausea,
   Weakness, Abnormal
   Tiredness, Mood
   Forgetfulness, etc.



Health Effect

Leukemia, Aplastic  Anaemia, Agranulocytosis.
Benzene and Ionizing Radiation.
Blood Disorder


Health Effect

Blindness and Eye Damage
Acids, Alkalis and Solvents


Health Effect

Skin Cancer and Dermatitis
Acids, Alkalis, Oils, Metallic Salt.

Common Health Complaints 
Reported by Workers in SME


Health Complaint By Worker
Auto Repair (denting and painting)
Headache, Skin Problems, Addiction to Solvents.
Carpet Washing and Wool Dyeing
Skin Burns and Scalds
Dental Workshop
Addiction to Solvents
Fibreglass Manufacturing, Surgical Instruments Manufacturing, Pesticide Packing
Respiratory and Skin Problems
Furniture, Screen Printing, Tannery
Headache and Skin Problems.
Headache, Respiratory and Skin Problems
Paint Manufacturing
Headache, Respiratory and Skin Problems
Positive and Plate Making (printing press)
Eye Problems
Rubber Adhesive Solution Making, Polyurethane Foam Manufacturing, Chipboard Manufacturing
Respiratory Problems