Faudzil @ Ajak

Faudzil @ Ajak
Always think how to do things differently. - Faudzil Harun@Ajak

16 September 2013

BICYCLE - The Hidden Benefits of Biking

  • Biking is enjoying a resurgence in this country as Americans become more fixated on fitness and conscious of carbon emissions.

    Whole Living senior editor Terri Trespicio notes one less buzzed-about benefit of two-wheel transportation: it helps us stop and smell the roses.

    "We're so obsessed with getting from point A to point B, but using a bike automatically encourages mindfulness," Terri says. "You suddenly start to see the world around you and experience your community."

    In your car or on the train, you're focused on a million other things -- the radio, your iPod, a book, or even your mobile phone. But on a bike, you have to be 100 percent in the moment -- you can't zone out. You begin to savor the sensual pleasures of bicycle travel, such as the wind blowing through your hair and the smell of fresh air

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