Faudzil @ Ajak

Faudzil @ Ajak
Always think how to do things differently. - Faudzil Harun@Ajak

27 September 2013

HEALTH TIPS - Healthy, Healthier, Healthiest: Simple Ways to Improve Your Diet

We’re not going to tell you salad is healthier than a greasy burger. We’re not going to waste your time with the “have flavored water instead of soda” bit. You already know that. You’re smart and well aware of the difference between food that is good for you and food that isn’t.
But how about going the extra step and making your already healthy eating habits a little healthier? Swap out the following 10 good-for-you food choices for options that are even better.

Swap out: 
Nonfat strawberry yogurt
For: Nonfat Greek yogurt with fresh strawberries
The benefit: Greek yogurt has almost twice as much protein than the traditional variety. The fresh fruit has less sugar and packs an antioxidant punch.

Swap out: Iceberg lettuce salad
For: Spinach salad
The benefit: Spinach is a powerhouse of antioxidants such as zeaxanthin and lutein, both of which promote eye health.

Swap out: Stir-fried chicken
For: Tandoori chicken
The benefit: The turmeric in the curry powder made for the Tandoori chicken is said to help fight off Alzheimer’s disease and eases joint pain.

Swap out: Grilled veggie burrito
For: Chicken burrito bowl
The benefit: The chicken bowl has 160 fewer calories and 26 fewer grams of fat. Surprisingly, it also has more grams of fiber than the veggie version.

Swap out: Hummus with pita bread
For: Hummus with red bell pepper slices
The benefit: The phytonutrients in red bell peppers content powerful antioxidants that can help prevent stomach, colon and breast cancers.

Swap out: Coffee
For: Green Tea
The benefit: Although both beverages contain a host of antioxidants, the cream and sugar you add to a 12-ounce cup of coffee can equal to almost 100 extra calories.

Swap out: Fresh tomatoes
Canned tomatoes
The benefit: 
It may sound strange, but the processing tomatoes go through helps bring out more carotenoid pigments in the canned or paste varieties. A study showed that tomato paste had six times the amount of the heart and vision healthy lycopene than fresh tomatoes.

Swap out: Baked potato chips
Olive or Canola oil popcorn
The benefit: 
You traded in regular potato chips for the baked ones for less fat, but even the baked variety are still high in calories and low in nutrients. Popcorn provides the crunch factor, as well as fiber and whole grains. Plus, each cup of popcorn saves you 65% the calories over chips.

Swap out: Light ice cream
For: Soy or coconut milk ice creams
The benefit: You get a lot more satisfaction with the creamy, satisfying texture of these low-calorie ice creams so you’re not inclined to over-indulge. Plus, some dairy free ice creams contain a source of the pre-biotic fiber inulin, which increases healthy bacteria in the gut.

Swap out: Water
For: Coconut water
The benefit: At 60 calories per 11 ounce cup, coconut water is more calorie-dense than plain H2O, but the potassium-rich coconut water can help you stay better hydrated if the regular kind is just too bland for your liking.

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