Faudzil @ Ajak

Faudzil @ Ajak
Always think how to do things differently. - Faudzil Harun@Ajak

23 September 2013

MEDICAL NURSE - Professionalism Reminders & Tips

We compiled the list below as reminders and tips for nurses to consider on their quest for excellence. Look over the list and see how many of these statements you agree with and how many describe you.

  1. A professional nurse takes pride in her work, skills, knowledge, appearance, and reputation.
  2. A professional nurse strives for excellence in all aspects of her work and life.
  3. A professional nurse does not settle for mediocrity or do just enough to get by; "good enough" never is.
  4. A professional nurse always does a little extra, always something postivie that was not expected.
  5. A professional nurse understands that being a professional extends beyond work and applies to all aspects of life.
  6. A professional nurse does not lie or mislead individuals in any way.
  7. A professional nurse does not gossip or spread rumors.
  8. A professional nurse does not spend time at work on personal matters.
  9. A professional nurse is always polite, kind, and respectful.
  10. A professional nurse says please and thank you.
  11. A professional nurse does her job and completes her assignments on time and without complaining.
  12. A professional nurse offers suggestions and takes steps to improve business and nursing care processes, procedures, and techniques.
  13. A professional nurse looks sharp, clean, and well groomed.
  14. A professional nurse does not just throw himself together and rush off to work; he takes time for personal grooming and time to press his clothes before going to work.
  15. A professional nurse does what is the right thing to do regardless of what others are doing or may say.
  16. A professional nurse helps others learn their jobs and do their work.
  17. A professional nurse maintains the confidentiality of patients and their information.
  18. A professional nurse is a good listener and pays attention when others are speaking.
  19. A professional nurse is compassionate.
  20. A professional nurse is dependable; he does what he says he will do or is asked to do.
  21. A professional nurse does not swear or use foul language.
  22. A professional nurse learns how to be effective and manage her time well.
  23. A professional nurse is a positive 'can-do' individual.
  24. A professional nurse does not complain, gripe, or whine about challenges, setbacks, and other obstacles that may come his way.
  25. A professional nurse is a team player and does what she can to improve team performance and help others succeed.
  26. A professional nurse does not lose his temper and speak or act in an angry or violent manner.
  27. A professional nurse knows and abides by the nursing and other codes of conduct and ethical rules and guidelines that have been established.
  28. A professional nurse arrives for work on time and is usually a little early.
  29. A professional nurse is a continual learner and is always taking steps to learn more and develop additional skills.
  30. A professional nurse is forthright; she does not exaggerate or conceal facts and she does not mislead others in any way.
  31. A professional nurse admits his mistakes and learns from them; he does not blame others or make excuses.
  32. A professional nurse keeps her word.
  33. A professional nurse understands that his image matters and reflects his personal pride and the pride and brand of the organization he represents.
  34. A professional nurse dresses appropriately, complies with a dress code if one exists, and avoids clothing or adornments that would be considered in poor or questionable taste.
  35. A professional nurse does not wear excessive cologne or makeup.
  36. A professional nurse seeks out new responsibilities and personal growth opportunities.
  37. A professional nurse does not try to bully or intimidate.
  38. A professional nurse does not talk negatively about others or the organization that employs him.
  39. A professional nurse acknowledges people and respects their views and opinions.
  40. A professional nurse understands that the needs of patients are not an interruption to her work; rather the needs of patients are the core of what nursing is all about.
  41. A professional nurse is always aware of her responsibilities to the family members of     the patient.  Often, just like the patient, family members are scared and confused, and look to the professional nurse as a source of both information and comfort.

Source : http://www.goalsinstitute.com

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