Faudzil @ Ajak

Faudzil @ Ajak
Always think how to do things differently. - Faudzil Harun@Ajak

5 September 2013

RAPE IN INDIA - Crime Against Women is beyond Humanity

By Faudzil Harun

Is women are not valued in India?  

Everyday atrocities-rape occurred in India.  

The majority of rape cases are ' Gang Rape ' 

Is it a sin for a woman born in India?  

Do all people will keep silence?  

Until when?  

Is it already a lost of sanity in India?  

Isn't 'Women' struggle to produce every human being in this world?  

Isn't 'Women ' is a MOM who educate and raise all great leaders of the world?  

Should 'Women ' be treated like animals?  

Are you angry of cruelty against women?

I  amd 'VERY ANGRY' because my mother is a woman, my wife is a woman, my sisters is a woman and I had a daughter called women.  

Will you be silent after reading this text?  

All women of the world must rise up against cruelty against women in India in particular and in the world at large.  

'Women' Organizations in Malaysia should play a role defending women.

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