Faudzil @ Ajak

Faudzil @ Ajak
Always think how to do things differently. - Faudzil Harun@Ajak

14 September 2013

YOGA - How a course of yoga could give your love life a lift

How a course of yoga could give your love life a lift: Just 12 weeks found to increase levels of desire in women aged 30 to 60

  • - Breathing, balance and control involved in yoga can improve the health of blood vessels
      and bolster blood flow, experts say
  • - That added to ancient eastern practice's stress-relieving qualities could have knock on
      effect of increasing levels of arousal
  • - As well as slashing blood pressure, previous studies suggest yoga may also help cure
      stress, back pain and asthma 

Keen to put the spark back into your love life? Forget candlelit dinners or romantic music – and give yoga a try.

The ancient eastern practice could be the solution for women suffering from a dip in their libido, according to research.

Scientists studied women aged between 30 and 60 who had weight-related health problems and had seen their sex drive fall.

Libido booster: Researchers believe breathing, balance and control involved in yoga can improve the health of blood vessels and bolster blood flow, increasing arousal. Its stress-relieving qualities may also play a part.
Libido booster: Researchers believe the breathing, balance and control involved in yoga can improve the health of blood vessels and bolster blood flow, increasing arousal. Its stress-relieving qualities may also play a part

Those who completed a 12-week course of one-hour yoga lessons reported a significant improvement in their levels of desire.

The researchers believe the breathing, balance and control involved in yoga can improve the health of blood vessels and  bolster blood flow, increasing arousal. Its stress-relieving qualities may also play a part.

    Scientists at Suwon Catholic University, in South Korea, studied 41 women with a condition called metabolic syndrome.

    Patients suffer from a collection of symptoms, such as being overweight, having high blood pressure, raised cholesterol and excess levels of blood sugar that put them at increased risk of conditions including type two diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

    With added flexibility: The results, published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, showed a significant improvement in the women who completed a 12-week yoga course but little or no change in the other group
    With added flexibility... The results, published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, showed a significant improvement in the women who completed a 12-week yoga course but little or no change in the other group

    Twenty participants were assigned to the yoga course.  All the women completed  questionnaires to measure their levels of desire at the start of the 12 weeks and after.

    The results, published online in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, showed a significant improvement in the women who completed the yoga course but little or no change in the other group.

    The study also found blood pressure dropped significantly in the yoga group.

    The researchers said: ‘These findings suggest yoga may be an effective treatment for sexual dysfunction in women with metabolic syndrome.’

    Previous studies suggest yoga may also help cure stress, back pain and asthma.

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