Faudzil @ Ajak

Faudzil @ Ajak
Always think how to do things differently. - Faudzil Harun@Ajak

7 November 2013

HR MANAGEMENT - Good Staff Team Building Ideas

Good Staff Team Building Ideasby Sarita Harbour, Demand Media

Team building activities are a fun way to increase workplace morale.

Establishing and maintaining a positive workplace environment is vital for all businesses, small and large. Team building activities include all employees in specific activities with the purpose of strengthening the team by encouraging collaboration, innovation and trust in a fun and challenging manner. Successful staff team building ideas promote activities to re-energize employees and strengthen the bonds between colleagues.
Outdoor Activity
Team-building activities that take place outdoors are popular. White-water rafting, ziplining and fishing are increasingly offered to corporate groups. A less expensive team-building idea is to plan a day at the local park. Prepare a potluck menu, and organize games of badminton, volleyball, baseball or touch football. Another good outdoor choice is to help your community by taking part in a local clean-up day at a park, playground or hiking trail.
Creative Indoor Activity
Team building can also be done indoors, in the workplace or somewhere else. Try splitting your workforce into two or more teams and have them compete to build the highest tower with specified supplies, such as balloons and tape or paper cups and paper clips. Trivia competitions are another popular option, and can be customized to your particular industry. For a team-building experience away from work choose bowling, indoor go-carting, or laser-tag. Follow the activity with a light meal or drinks.
Unfamiliar Activities
The most effective team-building ideas involve activities that staff members haven't tried before. When faced with a new activity or game, participants must depend on teammates to figure out how to complete the task. Wine-making, pottery or cooking classes, where participants work in pairs or teams, are good choices. For a less expensive option, create a scavenger hunt with clues and items particular to your industry, and have teams compete for a prize.
Tips for Teambuilding Activities
Choose team-building activities that use skills encouraged and valued in the workplace, and remember that the activity must include everyone regardless of age and physical ability. Assign individuals to teams to encourage new relationships and foster collaboration and trust. Most importantly, good staff team building ideas are fun and challenging.

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