Faudzil @ Ajak

Faudzil @ Ajak
Always think how to do things differently. - Faudzil Harun@Ajak

4 November 2013

ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR - Types of Ethical Practices Employees Adhere to in the Workplace

Types of Ethical Practices Employees Adhere to in the Workplace

by Alyson Paige, Demand Media

Employee ethics cover a diverse landscape of practices, some with legal implications, all of which the small business owner must be aware. Company policies and mission, employer demeanor and actions provide a working template for employees to use as they conduct their day-to-day business. Develop a template for an ethical workplace culture by defining what constitutes ethical practices. Business values and ethics policies guide employee ethical practices.
Justice Practices
The Golden Rule is a succinct guide for just practices in the workplace. Small business owners can collaborate with staff in defining what constitutes justice. Apply that definition to every sector and situation in a small business operation. Criteria for justice applies to all people and all situations, according to Charles D. Kerns in "Creating and Sustaining an Ethical Workplace Culture." Employees put ethical guidance for justice on the job into practice by treating each other and all clients and customers fairly and equally. Anti-discrimination laws are examples of just employee practices.
Integrity Practices
Integrity requires the courage to do what is right despite popular opinion. Employees who practice integrity in the workplace support what is morally right and what the business represents to its staff and to its customer base. Members of a sales staff, for example, truthfully represent a product line or services. They keep their word to their clients because it is the right thing to do and because their word is the company's word. Integrity requires consistent practice.
Confidentiality and Privacy Practices
Confidentiality and privacy laws and practices play a role in every business. A healthy work culture displays respect for employee privacy. Employees practice confidentiality by refraining from gossip about colleagues' private issues. Employees of small healthcare businesses abide by privacy laws as a matter of daily operations.
Self-Control Practices
When challenging situations arise, employees who can control their emotions and actions exhibit ethical behavior in the workplace. Self-control prevents difficult situations from escalating into conflicts that disrupt workflow and threaten staff morale. Employees with self-control and discipline may strive to stay on top of their workload. When they avoid backlogs, they help their colleagues to maintain a steady work pace and they contribute to the overall productivity of the business.

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