Faudzil @ Ajak

Faudzil @ Ajak
Always think how to do things differently. - Faudzil Harun@Ajak

3 November 2013

PEOPLE - Sharing My Experience About Mindset

Someone requested me to conduct a training at his club.

I asked him : "What is the Topic he requires?"

He replied : "Mindset Change". He explained to me that he is facing negative thinking culture in his club.

I asked him : "Don't you think, categorizing other people as negative makes you one of them?"

He quickly replied : "No, I am not"

I asked him again : "Who are you at the club?"

He said : "I am the Manager of the club"

I told him ...... If you as the leader of the team telling me that your team members are negative people, then you must be the "Chief of negative Thinkers". I continued ...... to begin with, stop that negative thought, think positively how we can help the team to explore their potential and improve their individual performance and up-lift the performance of the team.

I advised him to look into their strength instead.

After serious discussion, we agreed to organized an event of helping the team to learn on 3 basic matter ...... Human Nature, Common Courtesy and The Reality of Day-to-day Life.

We also agreed to name the event as "Explore Your Potential and Learn How to See Things Differently".

Moral of the story : People are different as they are subject to their "Circle of Culture and Belief". Never condemned or blaming anyone for what they are, continue to find ways to help them to grow.

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