Hiker forced to eat beloved pet dog that saved his life: Alsatian chased away bear that ransacked camp leaving man stranded without food in Canadian wilderness
- - Marco Lavoie, 44, was close to death when a rescue crew found him
- - His vital supplies were destroyed at start of planned three-month trip in July
- - German Shepherd chased away bear, which destroyed food and canoe
- - But three days later Lavoie killed his doting companion with a rock
A hiker who was stranded in the Canadian wilderness for nearly three months after a bear destroyed his supplies was forced to eat his beloved dog.
Marco Lavoie escaped with his life when his German Shepherd chased away the wild animal that attacked their camp - destroying their canoe and food supplies - just days into a planned three-month climbing trip.
But three days later, in a real-life display of survival-of-the-fittest, the 44-year-old killed his heroic Alsatian with a rock and ate it in a desperate bid to survive.
With no way to call for help, the stranded explorer then spent a further three months alone and starving before a search party came to the rescue.

Survivor: Marco Lavoie was just days from death when a rescue crew found him in the Canadian wilderness
Incredibly, survival experts have praised Mr Lavoie's actions as a good use of 'reason', which may have saved his life.
By the time Mr Lavoie was airlifted out of the Nottaway River wilderness, about 800km from Montreal, he had lost half his body weight, was suffering from hypothermia and was unable to speak.
However, Andre Francois Bourbeau, claims it is unlikely he would have been alive at all without sacrificing his dearest companion.
'He survived because he made ‹good decisions. Eating his dog was one of them,' Mr Bourbeau said. 'You have to be desperate, but there's no shame in [eating the dog]. He had to use reason.'
Another expert, Caleb Musgrave, a survival instructor, said the act was a natural instinct of the human body provoked by extreme hunger: 'When you start to go hungry, you get mood swings, your mind breaks, and you cramp up all over your body. Eventually, your body will start cannibalizing itself.'

Desperate measures: Experienced hiker Lavoie is said to have eaten his pet dog to survive

Found: Matagami lake, where Marco Lavoie was discovered after his solo trip turned into a disaster
He added: 'Up there, in the Canadian shield, there's little plant life to live off, so he would have been slowly, painfully dying when they found him.
'It's an amazing feat that he was able to keep himself alive this long with almost no equipment.'
Mr Lavoie's family only reported him missing in the past few weeks after he failed to return
from the planned solo trip to Lake Matagame.
Eight days into the search, Mr Lavoie was spotted by a helicopter crew, but they were unable
to land close by so rescue workers had to carry the malnourished hiker about a mile to the aircraft.

Raided: A black bear in a national forest destroyed food supplies and a canoe before the dog chased it away
Several survival experts agreed that conditions in the Nottaway River wilderness were tough and, with temperatures dropping below freezing, the ordeal would have been enough to mentally break even the most experienced hiker.
Andre Diamond, a Waswanipi Cree who lives on an island at the mouth of the river, told the Toronto Sun he had warned Mr Lavoie to stay away.
'He said it didn't scare him, but it's not a river to travel alone,' Mr Diamond said. 'Other adventurers have gone there over 20, 30 years and never came back.'
Mr Lavoie is currently in serious condition in hospital.
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