Faudzil @ Ajak

Faudzil @ Ajak
Always think how to do things differently. - Faudzil Harun@Ajak

20 March 2014

AMAZING PEOPLE - The running mum: Mother-of-two, 30, jogs EIGHT miles a day with her double buggy - and has slimmed from a size 14 to 8

The running mum: Mother-of-two, 30, jogs EIGHT miles a day with her double buggy - and has slimmed from a size 14 to 8 

  • Marcela Gracova, 30, wanted to banish baby weight and see kids
  • Ate junk food through pregnancy and was size 14
  • Runs with buggy and children in tow to local shops and play centre
  • Is now a size 8 and weighs 9st
  • Has become famous in Brampton, Cambridge for her buggy running
  • Known as 'Super Mummy' by children and locals 
  • Children's faces 'light up' when she puts running shoes on

A mother of three has found an unusual way to beat the baby weight - by running an impressive eight miles a day with her double buggy and two youngest children in tow.

Marcela Gracova, 30, from Brampton, Cambridgeshire, wanted a way to get rid of her baby weight whilst also spending quality time with her children.

A keen runner, the solution was simple - she would take her buggy and two children with her on her gruelling eight-mile runs.

Mother-of-three Marcela Gracova can run over eight miles a day with her two children and their double buggy. Thanks to her intriguing exercise regime, she has since gone from size 14 to a size 8
Mother-of-three Marcela Gracova can run over eight miles a day with her two children and their double buggy. Thanks to her intriguing exercise regime, she has since gone from size 14 to a size 8

Marcela loves running so much she brought a double buggy so she can take her two youngest children with her (pictured running through her local town)
Marcela loves running so much she brought a double buggy so she can take her two youngest children with her (pictured running through her local town)
Marcela loves running so much she brought a double buggy so she can take her two youngest children with her (pictured running through her local town)

Marcella crept up to a size 14 after giving birth to her three children, Ivanna, eight, Isabelle, five, and Peter, two.
But when Peter was just 11 days old Marcela decided it was time to lose the baby weight and started running again. 

    Marcela said: 'I couldn't wait to get out of the house, I was the heaviest I've ever been and I wanted to finally shift the weight.

    She crept up to a size 14 after giving birth to her three children, Ivanna, right, Isabelle, five, and Peter, two. When Peter was just 11 days old Marcela decided it was time to lose the baby weight and started running again
    She crept up to a size 14 after giving birth to her three children, Ivanna, right, Isabelle, five, and Peter, two. When Peter was just 11 days old Marcela decided it was time to lose the baby weight and started running again

    It was only after meeting her partner, Peter, a running fanatic, that she decided to give it a go and hasn't looked back since - she has become known as Super Mummy by locals
    It was only after meeting her partner, Peter, a running fanatic, that she decided to give it a go and hasn't looked back since - she has become known as Super Mummy by locals

    Marcela in her running gear with Isabelle and Peter, who she takes on runs with her
    Marcela in her running gear with Isabelle and Peter, who she takes on runs with her

    'I started running when Isabella was eight months old but had to stop whilst I was pregnant again.
    'I was craving oranges and watermelons to begin with but by the end of the pregnancy I was eating loads of junk and takeaways.
    'I've always been an outdoors person, I don't like being stuck inside for very long and I was itching to get my running shoes back on.
    'I began by running on my own, but my partner Peter, 35, works shifts and it became increasingly difficult as I couldn't leave the children alone.
    'I didn't want to give up something I had become so passionate about so I decided to take the double buggy with Isabelle and Peter in it.'

    Marcela is so passionate about running, and her children, that she decided to combine the two
    Marcela is so passionate about running, and her children, that she decided to combine the two

    Coming through! Marcela, who has become famous in her town, said: 'I've always been an outdoors person, I don't like being stuck inside for very long and I was itching to get my running shoes back on'
    Coming through! Marcela, who has become famous in her town, said: 'I've always been an outdoors person, I don't like being stuck inside for very long and I was itching to get my running shoes back on'

    Marcela can now run over a staggering eight miles a day with her children in tow, she's now a size eight and weighs 9st.
    In the past, Marcela had assumed running long distances was dangerous due to the impact it had on the knees and back.
    It was only after meeting her partner, Peter, a running fanatic, that she decided to give it a go and hasn't looked back since.
    She said: 'I tried dieting after I had Ivanna, my first baby, but I stopped eating as much as I should and I became extremely tired.
    'Now I eat healthily but simply exercise as well. I'm a competitive person and it makes me feel good being thinner and fitter.

    Marcela and partner Peter with children (L-R) Isabelle, Ivanna and Peter) said it was only after meeting her partner, Peter, a running fanatic, that she decided to give it a go and hasn't looked back since
    Marcela and partner Peter with children (L-R) Isabelle, Ivanna and Peter) said it was only after meeting her partner, Peter, a running fanatic, that she decided to give it a go and hasn't looked back since

    'Running with the buggy is harder than it looks, Peter has tried before and struggled, it takes balance and co-ordination.'
    Marcela has become known as 'Super Mummy' to both her children and some of the locals.
    She runs into town to get her food shopping, to go to the children's play group and sometimes just to get some fresh air.
    She said: 'Running excites me, I get such a buzz every time I put my running shoes on - I couldn't imagine my life without it.

    Marcela, pictured shortly after giving birth, was eating loads of junk and takeaways by the end of her pregnancy and was keen to shift the weight
    Marcela, pictured shortly after giving birth, was eating loads of junk and takeaways by the end of her pregnancy and was keen to shift the weight

    'You won't believe how much my little double buggy can carry.
    'The kids love when we go for a run, when they see me putting my running shoes on their little faces light up.
    'I hate driving, for both mine and my children's health it makes sense to run to wherever we need to go within reason.
    'I'm now known around town and it's so funny when people stop me in shops and ask me if I'm the lady who runs everywhere with my buggy and kids.'
    Marcela has been running for over five years now and doesn't plan to stop any time soon.
    She has just entered herself into the Milton Keynes half marathon which she will be running alone.

    Marcela, pictured shortly after giving birth to Ivanna, now eight, said she hates driving, for both her and her children's health it makes sense to run to wherever she needs to go 'within reason'
    Marcela, pictured shortly after giving birth to Ivanna, now eight, said she hates driving, for both her and her children's health it makes sense to run to wherever she needs to go 'within reason'

    Marcela, pictured shortly after giving birth to Isabelle, now five, has just entered herself into the Milton Keynes half marathon which she will be running alone
    Marcela, pictured shortly after giving birth to Isabelle, now five, has just entered herself into the Milton Keynes half marathon which she will be running alone

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2584166/The-running-mum-Mother-two-30-jogs-EIGHT-miles-day-double-buggy-slimmed-size-14-8.html#ixzz2wR0VIoWg
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