Article by yamini jain
Success doesn’t happen to people by chance , it happens by choice . There are certain habits of successful people that they choose to develop inside them that call and cause their success . The icons of success are self disciplined . They are ready to wait for their turn , till then they practice , keep themselves organized , persevere in difficult times . They observe , take risks and make some time for themselves by working in voids . Here are 10 important habits of successful people . These habits are nothing but their qualities , their jewels .
10. Be Diligent

The successful people are often exemplified for their steadfast tasking . They do not procrastinate and believe that delaying a task upto tomorrow will only reduce their efficiency of the coming day . This is the theory of achievers. Procrastinators are never achievers . They know what to do and when to wind it up – done ! Diligence is difficult to inculcate as a habit but once adopted , it stays for long , may be for entire life time . This property of winners tells clearly about how well they are oriented for their goals . Only diligent people can do more than ordinary and for doing so much , one can never risk to delay until even next moment !
9. Be Punctual

Time is as precious as money . Some ,even say that time is money . These aren’t just vague statements that keep highlighting the value of time for waste , but are actually true to their core . The winners know the worth of time and the worth of timing . Don’t believe ? Remember the last moment of any race , when even fractions of seconds expand like hours and any moment could decide the victor or loser !Being on time amuses the successful people , because they don’t believe in wasting a single fraction of useful information that the missed out time might contain. They don’t believe In missing out at the start of the say – meetings , lectures or seminars .
8. Be Organized
People who are organized and well scheduled are greatly eligible to be successful . They don’t just manage what they have, but make enough room for handling what might come . If you sneak into the computer systems of the successful people, you will know the extent of their organization . Every tiny detail is kept saved in the areas where it should be looked for in case of need . Their rooms , cabins , shelves , every place where any stuff of information is kept , is organized for clarity and simplicity .
Clearly, this essential peculiarity of winners is a distinctive contour that parts them from ordinary people.
Clearly, this essential peculiarity of winners is a distinctive contour that parts them from ordinary people.
7. Be Observant

Winners are keen observers . They just don’t observe what is going around and outside , but they have an inner eye opened for the changes that occur inside of them too. They observe the changes , analyze them , think of ways to deal with them and then make out the actions that could well counter balance those changes . Observing their own selves also help as they are able to make out what they actually want to do in their lives . This is one of the toughest things to decide – what one actually wants !
The successful people , know very well , what they actually want . This further inspires them to march on their path of success.
6. Work in voids

Umberto Eco , a famous novelist , once revealed his secret of success and management as the habit of working in the voids . Voids are nothing but the time lapses in between of some greatly useful activities , that generally goes wasted in waiting for some other task to arrive . The time , that otherwise would be spent waiting or resting unnecessarily , is utilized in doing some sort of short productive or non productive work. For instance , by the time your friend reaches your place for a visit , instead of waiting for him / her idly , you can water the plants in your backyard or might finish an assignment work or may be clean up your room etc . There could be various similar situations , you might be dealing with each day . Winners know what difference this habit makes to their lives .
5. Be unafraid

‘Fortune favors the brave ‘.
The victors well know the adage and has faith in it . Successful people are unafraid to take risks and new initiatives .They know that things can either turn out good or bad and that the consequences of our actions are nothing but the fruits of the seeds we sowed sometimes back . There are people who want to realize the dreams and wills of their hearts , but lack courage to go beyond the ordinary and normal . Such people can never be successful because they restrict their minds to the conventional .While those who can take risks , who can dream new , who can envision differently and who are ready to give up anything to fulfill their goals are the ones who get rewards that are exceptional. Point is , you need to give in more than others to get more than others .
4. Be perseverant
Perseverance is the key to success . This is a very common adage bridging the success and the quality of perseverance. Perseverance means to remain alike in all situations be it joy or sorrow . Those who are able to inculcate this one habit in them , are not affected by the miseries and nor by joys . They realize that the bad time will wither soon and so they don’t let their faiths droop . Also , they know that everyone’s golden time runs out, sooner or later and this fact never lets them to be proud and arrogant.
They are always satisfied, obliged and grateful for whatever they get !
3. Have Will power
Success can only be achieved by a strong will . If the desire to achieve is strong enough , then one can get ways made and paths discovered . The will power is what you all need to keep yourself driving towards your ambition . The desire should be flaming you every then until you get what your heart craves for . And as it is commonly known ‘ where there is a will , there is a way ’ . In case you can’t locate the way , then you must go and check your will . The will to achieve , if is ordinary , then you can never grasp the extra ordinary benefits ! you need to have die hard will , to reach the stars of your dreams !!
2. Be humble
Humility, is a way of living . Those who have millions of money in their bank accounts and still can manage to be humble and polite to those who don’t have as much as them , are truly and genuinely successful people. They aren’t proud of what they have. Success is a big secret revealed to such people who are not proud . They do have self esteem, but they don’t let it define and rule themselves, they don’t let their successes be bigger than their own selves . They know that their successes are just a package of good things that happen to them and they are able to achieve greater success, instead of letting their minds go mad over what they have achieved yet .
1. Be Self disciplined

If you know , what you wish you do and if you are able to do all those things that you are required to do in order to achieve what you want , without digressing a bit , then you have this key and essential trait – self discipline . It comes from the fact that no one else can help you in achieving your goals, if you yourself aren’t ready and prepared. The mind of self disciplined people is determined and focused. All successful people have this one habit inside them. Actually, this is not just a habit, but an art that monitors the way you go along your success path. It involves managing your own self for not going that way, when what you need is going this way!
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