Faudzil @ Ajak

Faudzil @ Ajak
Always think how to do things differently. - Faudzil Harun@Ajak

5 November 2013

LOVE - How to Love Somebody (Part 3 Love a Relative)

Part 3 of 3: Love a Relative

  1. 1
    Accept reality. Your relatives are your relatives, and it's rare that this fact ever changes. Aside from death (and divorce among relatives you aren't directly descended from), there's no way your family tree can be altered. Family members often don't get along with one another all across the board, but you can make the most of the problem by learning to accept your relatives for who they are.
    • Obviously, parents have an obligation to teach and shape their children, rather than simply saying “well, you are who you are” and walking away from the whole affair. However, generally speaking, parents already love their children and don't need to read a guide to learn how to do it.
  2. 2
    Accentuate the positive. To foster warm feelings for your relatives, think about the good they've done, if not for you then for others. An annoying aunt might be the apple of your uncle's eye; a cranky grandfather nonetheless raised one of your parents, who in turn raised you. Try to build respect and love for such people, even if it's not easy.
    • A part of love is respect. Now that you're keeping in mind the things you like about your relatives, treat them with respect based on that. Even if it isn't reciprocated, others will take notice and appreciate your effort.
  3. 3
    Spread out. At the end of the day, there are some people in your family you'll probably never get along with very well. Give them plenty of space so that it's easier on both of you when you get together and see each other again. Even people who'd be at each others' throats after a month of living together can usually be civil for a couple of days once or twice a year.
    • If you're stuck living with family members you don't like, try to remember all they do for you – paying bills, cooking meals, providing company, or even just splitting the chores – and keep your eyes on the time when you'll be able to move away and breathe easily at long last.
      • If you have an abusive relative and feel trapped or hopeless, get out of the house and seek aid immediately. You have the right to live free of pain, fear, and abuse (even if you're a minor). There are many organizations that can assist in finding you a more loving and open lace to call home, but the local police station is a good place to start. It's okay to call the emergency number if you don't know where the nearest station is, or don't think you can make it there without getting caught.

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