Get Fit & Lose Weight – Emotional Jeet Kune Do
Every day I help clients discover & push the buttons that they need to push…. if they are going to…
- Get the exercise their body needs
- Eat the food their body needs
- Think the thoughts they need to think and
- Feel the feelings they need to feel
…in order to become the healthiest, fittest, sexiest, most awesomest selves they can possibly be.
Here’s an example of the plan I used to help one of my clients lose 185 lbs over the past two years.
- 319lbs – 185 lbs = 134 lbs
Small carb-free meals for breakfast and lunch
For example, breakfast would be 3 scrambled eggs with butter AND lunch would be a small Greek salad with feta, olives, lettuce & tomatoes – no dressing.
My reasoning behind this approach was that she was a busy executive and was very, very busy throughout the day. The combination of a busy day and not being around food made it “easy” to focus on work and forget about food.
[box type="note"]It took a few weeks for “easy” to become easy. She hated me a little bit at first.[/box]
Large Paleo meal at dinner after her evening workout
1 big plate full of paleo-friendly food after her workout. That means loads of veggies and a good sized piece of animal protein. She was also allowed to have a piece of fruit for dinner. One of her favorites was the sauteed apples I posted about here.
She was full after dinner every single night.
- 1 tbsp of fish oil every morning
- Probiotics with breakfast
- Digestive enzymes with each meal
- Multi-vitamin and minerals
- Workout energy drink – I had her use Scivation Xtend
Emotional Jeet Kune Do

My client is a very, very smart woman. And very self aware. So when I told her that she WOULD transform her body into something even more awesome than what she was asking for…she told me that I was full of shit. Literally…she told me I was full of shit.
And after I finished laughing my ass off…I explained to her that over the 20+ years I have been training people, I have learned two things:
- Massive physical change is theoretically possible for just about everyone
- I am really, really good at making the theoretical happen
And to make the theoretical come true, I employ a system of emotional Jeet Kune Do on my clients. And like Bruce Lee, my emotional Jeet Kune Do is a style with no style.
This means that since we’re all unique creatures with our own individual thoughts, feeling, emotions and peculiarities…there is no fitness/diet plan that will produce awesome results for all of us.
We all have our own unique buttons that need to be pushed to get us to break and replace our bad habits.
And in her case, I asked her to lie to herself.
- First, I asked her to imagine herself as a total freak of nature…super healthy, super fit, super sexy, etc…
- Second, I asked for her reaction to this visual picture
- She came back with another “you’re full of shit” comment
- After which, I went into my spiel about being good at making transforming people and that I truly 100% believed that we can make this change with her body. And that the biggest impediment was that she didn’t believe me.
Here’s where the Jeet Kune Do comes in.
- I asked her to start lying to herself
Whenever she doubted my plan…or her ability to not eat ice cream…or that she would ever have a butt you could bounce quarters off of…I wanted her to:
- Accept her doubts (past history + emotions will not be ignored or minimized)
- Get angry and tell the doubts to “Fuck Off…because she’s going to do exactly what those doubts say she can’t”
And the reason I think this worked for her is because in her business career she has been faced many times with people, boards, companies & governments who told her that she couldn’t do what she wanted to do.
And most of the time, she responded by getting angry, getting to work and kicking their asses (after telling them to fuck off…inside her head)
The essence of emotional Jeet Kune Do is to search for your buttons…not your friend’s buttons, or the fitness guru’s buttons…YOUR BUTTONS.
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