5 Ways to Jump Start Your Weight Loss
In the 12+ years I have been working as a personal trainer, I have met a lot of very smart, very successful people with a broad knowledge of weight loss tips, tricks & secrets….and yet most of them weren’t able to get the results they wanted.
And sometimes, the answer to their weight-loss problems was as simple as one little tweak.
Here are some of my favorite “little weight-loss tweaks”

Most people think that cleansing is all about…
- starving yourself, and/or
- drinking a mixture of lemon juice, maple syrup & hot sauce, and/or
- shoving a colonic tube up your butt
In it’s essence, cleansing is all about…
- ignoring our taste buds for a SHORT period of time, and
- putting our Gastro-Intestinal track in the spotlight for a SHORT period of time
And as un-fun as that sounds, your guts will thank you.
Without getting all alternative-health-y on you, just about every client of mine has seen health & weight-loss improvements via the occasional use of cleansing protocols.
The beauty of HIIT training is that you don’t need to mess with your usual routine to reap the benefits.
For example, I worked with a cyclist a couple of years ago who was interested in increasing his power. Unfortunately, he and his coach weren’t willing to cut back on his high-volume cycling regimen. So, I integrated a series of HIIT sprints into his cycling program.
And while we weren’t able to test his strength improvements in the gym as I usually do, he did see a vast improvement in performance and a perceived improvement in power when race season began.
Nutrient Cycling
There are many different ways to cycle nutrients to maximize recovery from exercise and encourage fat loss. This is my favorite method:
- Simple carbs during workouts – Gatorade, Fruit Juice, etc.
- “Fill you up” carbs post workout – starchy veg, grains, etc.
- Crunchy carbs & greens the rest of the day – spinach, broccoli, etc.
The idea behind this plan is to manipulate insulin secretion to minimize fat storage and maximize muscle recovery via the re-filling of muscle cells with blood sugar & micronutrients.
Eat Dinner Like A King
This sounds counter-intuitive to common sense…and it is..sort of.
Normally, I advise clients against eating a big dinner because their day is winding down and that big blob of dinner calories is going to get stored as fat while they watch tv and drift off to sleep.
However, with this dietary tweak…
- I ask them to have a medium sized breakfast made up of protein & fat foods with next to no carbs (ex scrambled eggs & peppers)
- I ask them to have a small lunch consisting of protein & fat foods with next to no carbs (ex Greek salad with 1/2 chicken breast)
[box type="note"]This plans works best with people who are busy throughout the day. We’re trying to take advantage of the appetite killing effect of a busy work-day.[/box]
At the end of their work-day and before they eat dinner, I ask them to exercise. It might be a trip to the weight room or a group exercise class or 20 minutes of swimming or even a 10 min session of HIIT bike sprints.
After the workout, they get to eat a nice big satisfying dinner consisting of whatever foods they want. This big meal results in a ton of pleasurable brain chemicals and related hormones being dumped into the body…resulting in emotional pleasure and no sense of dietary deprivation.
An Open Mind
There is a Chinese proverb that states “a closed mind is like a closed book; just a block of wood”.
And when I look at the mainstream approaches to weight loss, I see a whole lot of closed minds recycling the same old inefficient weight loss techniques year after year after year… with little real-world success.
What I want you to do is come at your weight-loss with an open mind.
- Think of yourself as a really small-scale science experiment.
- Stop repeating the same old weight-loss techniques that have failed you in the past.
- Try something new for a month or two
- Evaluate it
- If it’s not working…dump it
- Try something else…until you find something that works.
And if you still can’t find something that works, come back to Health Habits. I have lots more weight-loss tips & tricks in my back pocket.
And don’t forget to sign up for email updates. Hot & fresh Health Habits delivered to your inbox as soon as they’re posted online.
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