Faudzil @ Ajak

Faudzil @ Ajak
Always think how to do things differently. - Faudzil Harun@Ajak

4 November 2013

ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR - HR Practices that Can Contribute to Ethical Behavior

HR Practices that Can Contribute to Ethical Behavior

by Van Thompson, Demand Media
Policies that encourage ethical behavior begin even before an employee is hired.

Human resources departments often serve as the one-stop shop for employment practices, operations information and legal questions. Because everyone must be processed through HR and because the department is frequently in charge of implementing and educating about new policies, human resources in your business can institute practices that promote, encourage and educate about ethical behavior in the workplace.
Hiring Practices
HR departments typically are tasked with helping recruit new employees and often with investigating employee backgrounds. By calling references, cross-checking information on resumes and verifying the claims of potential employees, HR staff can verify that the company is hiring an honest employee who has done what she claims. During the interview, asking an employee a few ethical questions can help gauge how she might react when faced with a real ethical dilemma. Don't just examine the employee's answer; instead, look at her behavior, body language and tone of voice to determine if she feels strongly about ethical behavior or is just giving a rehearsed answer.
Leading by Example
In every business, the behavior of leadership affects employee behavior. While HR departments typically aren't involved in daily management, they do interact with employees when employees have questions about benefits, pay and other issues. Friendly, warm HR staff members who avoid gossip and who are honest and fair with employees can help encourage employees to engage in similar behaviors. It's also important for the HR department to avoid overpromising. Don't tell an employee she might get a benefit she may not be eligible for, and make sure employees have sufficient information about HR policies to make good decisions. Nondiscrimination policies and promoting diversity can encourage this behavior in the workplace.
Continuing Education
Sexual harassment, religious discrimination, disability rights and issues pertaining to minority groups are commonly the domain of HR departments. Regular training on legal obligations as well as ethical behavior can be highly effective. Don't just plop employees in front of a video; instead, work to engage them in a meaningful discussion that encourages empathy for historically oppressed groups and teaches people how to relate fairly and legally to others. The HR department should ensure that new hires are aware of company policies; this often helps prevent violations before they occur.
Open Door Policies
HR departments are often the first stop for employees who have discrimination complaints or concerns about management. By fostering an open door policy, HR can stop small problems from becoming big ones. Keep employee complaints confidential, and never try to convince an employee that her complaint is not legitimate. Instead, listen empathetically and offer real, actionable solutions. When an employee reports a systemic problem, HR should report this to management, and managers and owners should listen to and implement HR recommendations.

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