Faudzil @ Ajak

Faudzil @ Ajak
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13 October 2014

AIRLINE BOSS - MH370 May Not Be In Indian Ocean

Emirates Airlines boss Sir Tim Clark tells a German magazine 
that the failure to find any debris raises a "degree of suspicion".

15:03, UK,Saturday 11 October 2014

Flight MH370

There have been plenty of conspiracy theories about what happened to missing jet MH370 but now the respected head of one of the world's leading airlines says he believes the plane was not on autopilot at the end and may not even be in the Indian Ocean.
Emirates Airlines boss Sir Tim Clark made the controversial comments in an interview with German magazine Der Spiegel.
"MH370 was, in my opinion, under control, probably until the very end," he said.
His theory goes against current thinking that the aircraft was on autopilot until it ran out of fuel and crashed into the southern Indian Ocean.
He added: "Our experience tells us that in water incidents, where the aircraft has gone down, there is always something.
Video: MH370: Plane Not In Search Area
"We have not seen a single thing that suggests categorically that this aircraft is where they say it is, apart from this so-called electronic satellite 'handshake', which I question as well."
The plane that disappeared was a Boeing 777 and Emirates operates 127 such aircraft, more than any other airline.
Sir Tim said he was suspicious of the fact that no-one seems to know where the plane ended up.
"There hasn't been one over-water incident in the history of civil aviation - apart from Amelia Earhart in 1939 - that has not been at least 5 or 10% trackable.
"But MH370 has simply disappeared. For me, that raises a degree of suspicion. I'm totally dissatisfied with what has been coming out of all of this," he told the magazine.
Sir Tim called for more transparency in the investigation.
Video: June: Families Pray 100 Days On
He said: "There is plenty of information out there, which we need to be far more forthright, transparent and candid about.
"Every single second of that flight needs to be examined up until it, theoretically, ended up in the Indian Ocean - for which they still haven't found a trace, not even a seat cushion."
Australian Danica Weeks lost her husband Paul on the flight.
In response to the comments from the respected airline chief she told Channel 9 news: "He's the man in the know so why aren't they talking to us? And what is all the silence about?"
Earlier this week the Australian Transportation Safety Bureau (ATSB) said latest analysis suggested the Malaysia Airlines flight went into a slow left turn and spiralled into the Indian Ocean when its fuel ran out.
An interim report pointed investigators towards the southern section the current search zone.
Video: June: 'Convinced Of A Cover-Up'
"MH370 remains one of the great aviation mysteries. Personally, I have the concern that we will treat it as such and move on," the airline chief told Der Spiegel.
"At the most, it might then make an appearance on National Geographic as one of aviation's great mysteries," he said.
"We mustn't allow this to happen. We must know what caused that airplane to disappear."
The next phase of the operation to locate the plane has now begun following an extensive mapping process of the ocean floor.

It is seven months since the aircraft went missing with 239 people on board.
Source: http://news.sky.com/story/1351298/airline-boss-mh370-may-not-be-in-indian-ocean

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