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7 October 2014

GLOBAL THREAT OF EBOLA - Scientists plot spread of deadly disease and reveal it has 50% chance of hitting UK within three weeks

Global threat of Ebola: From the US to China, scientists plot spread of deadly disease across the world from its West African hotbed 

  • Disease spreading rapidly across West Africa; more than 3,400 people dead and 7,500 infected
  • The first case was confirmed in the United States last week
  • 114 people came into contact with him before he was diagnosed 
  • Scientists believe an infected person will arrive in the UK before October 24
  • Estimate a 75% chance of the virus reaching France in that time
  • Belgium has a 40% chance of the disease reaching its shores, while Spain and Switzerland have lower risks, at 14% each

The deadly Ebola virus could spread across the world infecting people from the U.S. to China within three weeks, scientists have warned.

There is a 50 per cent chance a traveller carrying the disease could touch down in the UK by October 24, a team of U.S. researchers have predicted. 

Using Ebola spread patterns and airline traffic data they have calculated the odds of the virus spreading across the world.

They estimate there is a 75 per cent chance Ebola will reach French shores by October 24. 
And Belgium has a 40 per cent chance of seeing the disease arrive on its territory, while Spain and Switzerland have lower risks of 14 per cent each. 

The virus is spreading rapidly across West Africa, with more than 3,400 people known to have died and 7,500 infected.  

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A team of scientists at Northeastern University in Boston have used air travel information to predict where the deadly Ebola virus could reach in the next three weeks 
A team of scientists at Northeastern University in Boston have used air travel information to predict where the deadly Ebola virus could reach in 
the next three weeks 

Scientists  predicted there is a 50 per cent chance the Ebola virus will reach the UK and a 75 per cent chance it will reach France by October 24
Scientists predicted there is a 50 per cent chance the Ebola virus will reach the UK and a 75 per cent chance it will reach France by October 24

The disease is spreading rapidly across West Africa, with more than 3,400 people known to have died and 7,500 infected
The disease is spreading rapidly across West Africa, with more than 3,400 people known to have died and 7,500 infected

Using Ebola spread patterns and airline traffic data a team of U.S. scientists have calculated the odds of the virus spreading across the world. Volunteers in Monrovia, Liberia are pictured carrying a man, suspected of having the virus, to a health centre in the capital 
Using Ebola spread patterns and airline traffic data a team of U.S. scientists have calculated the odds of the virus spreading across the world. Volunteers in Monrovia, Liberia are pictured carrying a man, suspected of having the virus, to a health centre in the capital 

The numbers are based on air travel remaining at full capacity, and are being constantly updated by the researchers, who last reviewed the figures based on data from October 1.
But assuming there is an 80 per cent reduction in travel to reflect that many airlines are halting flights to affected regions, the scientists predict France's risk is still 25 per cent, and the UK's is 15 per cent. 

But the researchers, whose work is published in the journal PLOS, said the risks change every day the epidemic continues.  

Professor Alessandro Vespignani of Northeastern University in Boston, who led the research, said: 'This is not a deterministic list, it's about probabilities – but those probabilities are growing for everyone.

'It's just a matter of who gets lucky and who gets unlucky.

'Air traffic is the driver. 

'But there are also differences in connections with the affected countries (Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone), as well as different numbers of cases in these three countries - so depending on that, the probability numbers change.'

Dr Derek Gatherer, of Lancaster University, an expert in viruses who has been tracking the epidemic, said: 'It's really a lottery.

'If this thing continues to rage on in West Africa and indeed gets worse, as some people have predicted, then it's only a matter of time before one of these cases ends up on a plane to Europe.'

Nigeria, Senegal and the U.S. - where the first case was diagnosed on Tuesday - have all seen people carrying the haemorrhagic fever virus, apparently unwittingly, arrive on their shores. 

Experts warn the virus could also reach Belgium, Spain and Switzerland within the next three weeks 
Experts warn the virus could also reach Belgium, Spain and Switzerland within the next three weeks 

France is among the countries deemed most likely to be hit next, because the worst affected countries include Guinea, 
a French-speaking country with busy travel links back. 

Britain lies dangerously in the path of the virus, due to Heathrow's status as one of the world's biggest travel hubs, with frequent links to Nigeria.


The researchers at Northeastern University, in Boston, calculated the countries most at risk in the short term, are: 
  • Ghana
  • UK
  • Nigeria
  • Gambia
  • Ivory Coast
  • Belgium
  • France
  • Senegal
  • Morocco
  • Mali
  • Mauritiania
  • Guinea Bissau
  • U.S.
  • Germany
  • South Africa
  • Kenya 
France and Britain have each treated one national who was brought home with the disease and then cured.

The scientists' study suggests that more may bring it to Europe not knowing they are infected. 

The World Health Organisation has not placed any restrictions on air travel and has encouraged airlines to keep flying to the worst-hit countries. 

British Airways and Emirates have suspended some flights but other airlines continue to fly to the region.

Patients diagnosed with Ebola, which is transmitted via bodily fluids, are most contagious when they reach the terminal stage. 

In its final attack on the body, the virus causes both internal and external bleeding, profuse vomiting and diarrhoea, all of which can contain high concentrations of the infectious virus. 

There is still a high risk of the virus being passed on in earlier stages, especially since people may not know they are infected, with symptoms taking between two and 21 days to emerge. 

It is therefore feared a sufferer could travel to Britain without knowing they had the disease and infect others. 

Last week Thomas Eric Duncan became the first patient to fly into America without knowing he had Ebola and 114 people came into contact with him before he was diagnosed.

Study author and expert in viruses who has been tracking the epidemic, Dr Derek Gatherer, of Lancaster University, said: 'It's really a lottery.' Volunteers are pictured pushing a cart through the streets of Monrovia, Liberia, carrying a suspected victim of the deadly virus to a local health centre
Study author and expert in viruses who has been tracking the epidemic, Dr Derek Gatherer, of Lancaster University, said: 'It's really a lottery.' Volunteers are pictured pushing a cart through the streets of Monrovia, Liberia, carrying a suspected victim of the deadly virus to a local health centre

Nigeria, Senegal and the U.S. - where the first case was diagnosed on Tuesday - have all seen people carrying the haemorrhagic fever virus, apparently unwittingly, arrive on their shores. A man suspected of having Ebola waits to be admitted to the Island Hospital in Monrovia, Liberia - one of the worst hit nations
Nigeria, Senegal and the U.S. - where the first case was diagnosed on Tuesday - have all seen people carrying the haemorrhagic fever virus, apparently unwittingly, arrive on their shores. A man suspected of having Ebola waits to be admitted to the Island Hospital in Monrovia, Liberia - one of the worst hit nations

They were tracked down by health authorities and ten remain under surveillance.
Within the European Union, free movement of people means someone unknowingly infected with Ebola could easily drive through several neighbouring countries before feeling ill and seeking help, and spend weeks in contact with friends or strangers before becoming sick enough to show up on airport scanners.


Vital supplies destined to help in the fight against Ebola raging through Sierra Leone have been sitting idly on a dock side for nearly two months.

A shipping container packed with medical supplies has been locked at Freetown port in the country since August 9, the New York Times reported.

It contains 100 bags and boxes of hospital linens, 100 cases of protective suits, 80 of face masks, as well as gloves, stretchers, mattresses and other supplies vital to helping fight the epidemic.

The items were donated by individuals and hospitals in the U.S., according to Chernoh Alpha Bah, who organised the shipment.

Mr Bah is an opposition politican from President Ernest Bai Koroma's hometown of Makeni - a region hit by the epidemic.

A government official, told the NY Times, he believes political tensions may have caused the delay in releasing the supplies, to prevent the opposition benefiting from being seen to bring in the donations.  

Mr Bah said he expected the shipment to be welcomed by the authorities, and said he he expected the shipping fee of $6,500 would be a small price to pay.

He said: 'They are blaming us for shipping in without authorisation.
'It appears all they are interested in is cash donations. And all we have are supplies.' 
Professor Jonathan Ball, professor of molecular virology at Nottingham University, said many cases 'can slip through the net' despite screening at West African airports.
He added: 'Whilst the risk of imported ebola virus remains small, it's still a very real risk and one that won't go away until this outbreak is stopped. Ebola virus isn't just an African problem.' 

However, the chance of the disease spreading widely or developing into an epidemic in a wealthy, developed country is extremely low, healthcare specialists say.
According to the latest Ebola risk assessment from the European Centres of Disease Prevention and Control, which monitors health and disease in the region, 'the capacity to detect and confirm cases...is considered to be sufficient to interrupt any possible local transmission of the disease early'.  

Dr Gatherer cited Nigeria as an example of how Ebola can be halted with swift and detailed action.

Despite being in West Africa and being home to one of the world's most crowded, chaotic cities, Nigeria has managed to contain Ebola's spread to a total of 20 cases and eight deaths, and looks likely to be declared free of the virus in coming weeks.

'Even if we have a worse case scenario where someone doesn't present for medical treatment, or..it's not correctly identified as Ebola, and we get secondary transmission, it's not likely to be a very long secondary transmission chain,' he said.

'People aren't living in very crowded conditions (in Europe), so the disease doesn't have the same environment it has in a shanty town in Monrovia, where the environment is perfect for it to spread.

'It's a different matter in modern western cities with the very sanitised, sterile lives that we live.' 

So far one Briton, 29-year-old nurse William Pooley, has contracted ebola, but he was diagnosed while volunteering in Sierra Leone and was transported to Britain in an isolation tent. Mr Pooley recovered and was discharged from the Royal Free Hospital in north London 10 days after he landed.

Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk

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