It's not just older people who suffer memory loss: Stress and multi-tasking means more under 40s are becoming forgetful
- 14% of men and women aged between 18 and 39 complain of poor memory
- Researchers say modern lifestyles - such as spending time on a computer and texting - could be to blame because it prevents people focussing
- They also advise taking greater care of general health - such as getting regular exercise and not smoking - to preserve brain power
An increasing number of young people are suffering from poor memory, according to a new report.
While memory problems are normally seen as a sign of ageing, the latest study found that 14 per cent of young men and women between 18 and 39 also complained that their memory was poor.
Now researchers leading the study say that stress and multi-tasking lifestyles could be to blame.

The new Post-It note generation: Young people complain of memory problems too
To examine the impact of these lifestyle choices on memory throughout adult life, researchers from UCLA collaborated on a nationwide poll of more than 18,500 individuals between the ages of 18 and 99.
Respondents were surveyed about both their memory and their health behaviours, including whether they smoked, how much they exercised and how healthy their diet was.
As the researchers expected, healthy eating, not smoking and exercising regularly were related to better self-perceived memory abilities for most adult groups.
Older adults (aged between 60 and 99) were more likely to report engaging in healthy behaviours than middle-aged (aged between 40 and 59) and younger adults (aged between 18 and 39), a finding that runs counter to the stereotype that aging is a time of dependence and decline.
In addition to this, a higher than expected percentage of younger adults complained about their memory.

Experts say stress and multi-tasking could be affecting our ability to focus and concentrate
'These findings reinforce the importance of educating young and middle-aged individuals to take greater responsibility for their health - including memory - by practicing positive lifestyle behaviours earlier in life,' said the study's first author, Dr. Gary Small, director of the UCLA Longevity Centre.
While 26 per cent of older adults and 22 per cent of middle-aged respondents reported memory issues, it was surprising to find that 14 per cent of the younger group complained about their memory too, the researchers said.
'Memory issues were to be expected in the middle-aged and older groups, but not in younger people,' Small said.
'A better understanding and recognition of mild memory symptoms earlier in life may have the potential to help all ages.'
Small said that, generally, memory issues in younger people may be different from those that plague older generations.
Stress may play more of a role.
He also noted that the ubiquity of technology - including the Internet, texting and wireless devices that can result in constant multi-tasking, especially with younger people - may impact attention span, making it harder to focus and remember.
Research carried out last year showed that the average age that people experience memory loss is 57, although it has been known that a declining ability to recall simple facts can start in your 30s.
An online poll found that 11 per cent of respondents said they had started to notice their memory suffering in their 40s. Six per cent had noticed it in their 30s.
The survey, published to coincide with the UK's first ever online Memory Training course, also revealed that the over-50s are plagued by the fear of memory loss and many have frequent and embarrassing memory lapses.
Examples included leaving the house without putting on socks, forgetting how to spell common words like 'hour' and even struggling to remember their own name when introducing themselves at a business meeting.
The research, also revealed that half of over-50s have been embarrassed about forgetting simple things.
Other people’s names came top of the list at 37 per cent, followed by keys and glasses at 19 per cent. More unusual examples included not remembering the word for ‘apple’, how to spell ‘hour’ and names of colours. Some people even admitted to leaving loved ones behind in shops.
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