Faudzil @ Ajak

Faudzil @ Ajak
Always think how to do things differently. - Faudzil Harun@Ajak

8 January 2014

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 128 (08/01/2014)

1271.            Majority of brides plan their wedding for approximately 7 to 12 months.

1272.            The word assassination was invented by William Shakespeare.

1273.            Benjamin Franklin invented the rocking chair.

1274.            Persia changed its name to Iran in 1935.

1275.            In the wild, the poinsettia flower can reach a height of 12 feet, and have leaves that
    are eight inches across.

1276.            Construction workers hard hats were first invented and used in the building of the
    Hoover Dam in 1933.

1277.            A study indicates that smokers are likely to die on average six and a half years
    earlier than non-smokers.

1278.            On a Canadian two dollar bill, the flag flying over the Parliament building is an
    American flag.

1279.            TYPEWRITER, is one of the longest words that can be made using the letters only
    one row of the keyboard.

1280.            Bill Gates donated close to $100 million to fight AIDS in India. As a percent of his
    total wealth, this would be comparable to him donating ten cents if he only had $60.

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