Faudzil @ Ajak

Faudzil @ Ajak
Always think how to do things differently. - Faudzil Harun@Ajak

9 January 2014

HR MANAGEMENT - Destress at work

by Vichitra Robinson

We all hear a lot about stress but what exactly it is?
The dictionary meaning of stress is “A phase of mental and emotional anxiety resulting from unfavourable and demanding circumstances”. In simpler terms, if the thought of going to work gives you strain, you are stressed. People at workplace are in constant stress. Stress at workplace needs to handle carefully.
It is imperative to keep stress at a manageable level. Often when workplace stress goes out of hand, people feel overwhelmed and start to withdraw from their work. It does not affect the mental state only but if prolonged it hampers the physical state by causing various stress related illness.
Before handling or managing, one needs to acknowledge stress and try to find out its source. If one knows where this stress is coming from, it is easier to focus and work towards it.
Stress at workplace could be because of distinct reasons. To list a few;
Estranged and disobliging co-workers. Dealing with colleague is very important and one cannot avoid it. Bullying and harassment are common in workplace. You need to be authoritative with colleagues who are playful and stubborn. Setting high standards with your colleague is the best way to deal with your colleague. When you become authoritative your managers and co-workers develop a degree of respect for you. Proper communication is also very important. If you are facing problems with your colleagues try to speak with them. Place your concerns with your managers. Proper communication can also help you to come up with the solution and also improve your relation with your colleague.
Irrational demands of managers. Fulfilling irrational demands of your managers can lead to stress. This can cause severe problems like loss of productivity, lack of concentration and downward growth.
Lack of job security. Changes caused by economical transformations leads to organizational downsizing, takeovers and higher rate of retention. As a result of which employees are in constant stress of losing their job.
Workplace culture. Fresh employees who are new to their work or even if employees who have just shifted from one organization to another finds themselves misfit in their new organization. Many factors like hierarchy level, the way they communicate, senior employees and co-workers, work patterns and dressing style can cause this stress.
Lack of ability to perform well. An employee when fail to perform within time and is unable to show favourable results experience stress at a higher level. This is not only because of an employee’s inability to perform for the given task but also sometimes difficult managers put unrealistic goals or some strict bosses with their irrational attitude creates unfavourable circumstances where an employee find difficulty in performing well.
Lack of knowledge of technology. The advent of technology like computers, internet, mobile phones, and many such technology devices, leads to an expectation of improved and faster work efficiency. Employees who are not well versed with latest technology feel pressure and this inability to cope leads to stress. Stress level increases more where multi-generational workforce is present, where one set of (Gen Y ) employees are comfortable with technology and the other set (Traditionalist & Baby boomers) of employees are still trying to fix their hands on technology. They both can be stressed at times because of their different working styles. In fact this could be another reason for stress, having distinct generations at work.
People fail to understand that dealing with stress is more important. Ignoring it will cause more damage to one’s work life. Switching jobs will not solve the issues related to work stress.
So, here are some quick and easy tips on how to deal with stress;
§  Exercise regularly
§  Avoid foods which includes caffeine and sugar
§  Love yourself – relax with some distressing therapy, pamper yourself by doing something you feel good about.
§  Be positive. Shape your day with new hopefulness – form “you can do it” attitude for yourself
§  Never look down too much on your failures – learn from it and work for it.
§  Set realistic goals

Everyone feel stressed at one point of time, stress is common to all but how you deal with it and how you empower it matters most.
Handle your work related stress in a positive manner so that it doesn’t hold you back.

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