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11 March 2014

MH370 - Malaysia Airlines MH370 searchers scramble ships after commercial flight reports debris field off Vietnam

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An airliner enroute to Hong Kong Monday reported via radio that its pilots saw a large field of debris at a position about 92 kilometres southeast of of Ho Chi Minh City.
FacebookAn airliner enroute to Hong Kong Monday reported via radio that its pilots saw a large field of debris at a position about 92 kilometres southeast of of Ho Chi Minh City.
Vietnam’s Maritime Search and Rescue Services was scrambling ships to a debris field after a commercial Cathay Pacific airliner Monday en route to Hong Kong reported a “large amount of metal debris.”

Was Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 headed for Asia’s Twin Towers?

It is possible that MH370 was a 9/11-type plot, in which the target was the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur? Until recently, they were the tallest buildings in the world. And even now, they remain a spectacular centerpiece to Kuala Lumpur’s skyline. You can see why terrorists would find them a tantalizing target.
Malaysia is a Muslim country, so it would be low on the target list for many terrorist groups. But then, so are Iraq and Syria, yet both nations regularly witness mass-casualty attacks against civilians. It’s also worth noting that Southeast Asia has played host to a number of terrorist entities for decades.
A vessel in the area confirmed material was floating in the ocean about 92 kilometres off the southeastern coast of Vietnam in the South China Sea. The debris is located about 520 kilometres northeast of a missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370′s last known radar position.
A Thai cargo ship in the area was asked for assistance and had set course to the position but had not found anything unusual as of Monday afternoon.
The location of the possible debris does not match the flightpath expected to have been taken by the jet, which should have flown directly over Ho Chi Minh City. The location supplied to the Hong Kong’s Civil Aviation Department was more than 125 kilometres southeast of the original flight path.
A spokeswoman for Malaysia Airlines said the airline had not received any reports from its crew about spotting debris in the sea near Vung Tau.
The search for the missing Malaysia Airlines jetliner was set back on Monday by a number of false leads that seemed to underline how little investigators knew about the whereabouts of the plane, which vanished on Saturday.
A suspected life raft bobbing in the Gulf of Thailand turned out to be the lid of a large box, Vietnamese authorities said.
An oil slick in Malaysian waters was found not to contain jet fuel.
And what was initially thought to be an aircraft tail floating in the Gulf of Thailand was actually “logs tied together,” according to a Malaysian official.
The failure so far to locate any trace of the aircraft raised questions about whether the ships, planes and helicopters searching the waters south of Vietnam, some of them using highly sophisticated equipment, were looking in the right place.
Malaysian officials said late on Monday that they were expanding the search to a much wider area, including waters north of the Indonesian island of Sumatra, hundreds of kilometres from the aircraft’s last reported position.
In all, 40 ships and 34 aircraft from nine countries are taking part in the search for the missing jet and struggling to solve the mystery of its utter disappearance.
Cmdr. William Marks from the U.S. Seventh Fleet, which is taking part in the search, said the difficulty was in covering such a large area, spanning hundreds of kilometres.
“Just from the air we can see things as small as almost the size of your hand, or a basketball. So it’s not a matter of if we can see it — it’s an extremely large area.”
AP Photo/Na Son Nguyen
AP Photo/Na Son NguyenVietnam Air Force Col. Le Huu Hanh of Division 918 is reflected on the navigation control panel onboard a flying Soviet-made AN-26 during a search operation for the missing Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777 over the South China Sea Monday, March 10, 2014.
An object that resembled a gray life raft was found 140 kilometres southwest of Vietnam’s Tho Chu island later turned out to be a moss-covered cable, according to the aviation search and rescue coordination centre in Hanoi. And reports yesterday that a window or a door fragment of a plane had been spotted weren’t verified Monday.
Australia and the U.S. are among those helping in the search for the Malaysian Airline System plane that went missing with 239 people aboard from radar screens on a flight to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur on March 8.
AFP PHOTO / MOHD RASFANThe director general of the Malaysia's Civil Aviation Department , Azharuddin Abdul Rahman, explains to journalists the new search and rescue areas during a press conference at a hotel near Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Sepang on March 10, 2014.
Malaysia’s civil aviation chief has said the fate of a missing Malaysia Airlines jet remains a mystery. Azharuddin Abdul Rahman said officials had not ruled out hijacking as a cause of the plane’s disappearance.
Authorities said Monday they had identified one of the two men who boarded the flight with stolen passports, spurring speculation that terror may be an explanation for the disappearance of the Boeing Co. 777-200.
“We need hard evidence, we need concrete evidence — we need parts of the aircraft for us to analyze,” said Azharuddin Abdul Rahman, director general of the Department of Civil Aviation. “The honourable prime minister used the word ’perplexing.’ We are equally puzzled.”
The possibility that terrorism may have caused the plane’s disappearance arose after Austria and Italy said passports used by two male passengers were stolen from their citizens. Closed- circuit television footage exists of the two people who used the false passports.
ChinaFotoPressHaixun 31 (C), the largest patrol vessel in South China Sea, prepares to depart from the port for search and rescue mission for the missing Malaysian Airline flight on March 9, 2014 in Beijing, China.
The Royal Thai Police is probing the two passports that were reported stolen in Phuket in 2012 and last year, spokesman Piya Uthayo said in Bangkok Monday.
Before the flight took off, the airline removed the baggage of five passengers who didn’t board after checking in, Azharuddin said. “There are issues about the passengers that did not fly on the aircraft,” he said without elaborating.
Malaysian officials, who said they weren’t ruling out any possibility, are testing samples from an oil slick discovered about 140 kilometres south of Tho Chu Island in a body of water known as the Gulf of Thailand, off the South China Sea. Meanwhile, Thailand said it sent a ship, a helicopter and a plane to search the Langkawi archipelago in the Andaman Sea, about 90 nautical miles from Phuket.
AFP /HOANG DINH NAMA Vietnamese Air Force helicopter (L) taxies past a Russian MI171 helicopter as it prepares to take off from Ca Mau airport to search for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 on March 10, 2014.
The Malaysian carrier said yesterday that it feared the worst. The most recent crash of similar magnitude was in Feb. 19, 2003, when an Iranian Revolutionary Guard plane crashed in the Indian Ocean, killing 275 people, according to the Aviation Safety Network.
Malaysian Air said that Chinese travelers accounted for the largest group aboard the twin-engine, wide-body plane, with 153 people. Also aboard were three U.S. citizens, according to the U.S. State Department.
“We are constantly urging and asking the Malaysian side to step up search and rescue,” Qin Gang, China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman, said Monday. “Two days after the incident, we still hope the Malaysian side will fully understand the mood of the Chinese family members and they will try their best to speed up investigation.”
THE STRAITS TIMES / DESMOND LIMThis photograph made available by The Straits Times on March 10, 2014 shows personnel from the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) scanning the seas about 140 nautical miles north-east of Kota Baru, Malaysia, for any signs of the Malaysia Airlines plane which went missing.
The aircraft, which disappeared without providing any distress signal, may have made an “air turn-back,” said Malaysian Acting Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein. That means the plane may have deviated from its planned route, said Malaysian Air Chief Executive Officer Ahmad Jauhari Yahya.
All the passengers on the flight to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur are being investigated, Hishammuddin said separately yesterday without elaborating.
“I’m in touch with the international intelligence agencies” concerning the passports, he said.
AP Photo/Binsar Bakkara
AP Photo/Binsar BakkaraAn Indonesian Navy crew member scans the water bordering Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand during a search operation for the missing Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777 near the Malacca straits on Monday, March 10, 2014.
Interpol said in a statement that at least two passports recorded in its database, one Austrian and one Italian, were used by passengers on the flight after being reported stolen in Thailand. Two people using Italian and Austrian passports on the flight, Luigi Maraldi and Christian Kozel, had consecutive ticket numbers, according to the Chinese e-ticket verification system Travelsky.
Both tickets were issued on March 6, according to the website of China Southern Airlines Co.
There is no indication of terrorism at this point, said a U.S. official following the case, asking not to be identified because the investigation is still in its early stages. The U.S. is working with authorities in the region, the official said.
THE STRAITS TIMES / DESMOND LIMThis photograph made available by The Straits Times on March 10, 2014 shows personnel from the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) scanning the seas about 140 nautical miles north-east of Kota Baru, Malaysia.
The Austrian passport used to board the flight belonged to a 30-year-old who reported the theft in 2012 in Thailand, while the Italian was Luigi Maraldi, who disclosed his loss in August, according to the countries’ foreign ministries. Neither man was on the Malaysian aircraft, their governments said.
A team from the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board was heading to Malaysia to be in place once the wreckage of the plane is located. The team was being joined by experts from the Federal Aviation Administration and Boeing, Kelly Nantel, a spokeswoman, said in an e-mail.
A wing on the plane was damaged after a minor collision with another aircraft previously, and was repaired and cleared by Boeing, Ahmad Jauhari said Sunday without specifying when it happened.
AFP / HOANG DINH NAMThis picture taken on March 9, 2014 aboard a flying Soviet-made AN-26, used as a search aircraft by the Vietnamese Air Force, shows local cameramen and photographers taking aerial pictures during a search flight over the southern seas off the coast of Vietnam for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.
Flight MH370 departed the Malaysian capital at about 12:41 a.m. local time March 8 and was scheduled to land in Beijing at 6:30 a.m. Security screening was performed as usual at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Airports Holdings said.
In the case of Air France Flight 447, which disappeared en route to Paris from Rio de Janeiro on June 1, 2009, Brazilian search teams found debris within a day. The wreckage was discovered 3,900 metres deep in the Atlantic Ocean.
The destroyer USS Pinckney from the U.S. Navy’s Seventh Fleet has joined the search. President Barack Obama was briefed while on a weekend family vacation in Key Largo, Florida, said Josh Earnest, a White House spokesman. Chinese President Xi Jinping spoke to Obama by phone Monday about the missing plane, China state broadcaster CCTV reported.
Commander  Marks from the US Seventh Fleet, which is taking part in the search, says he expects the plane’s flight recorders to be floating in the water.
AFP PHOTO / LE QUANG NHATVietnamese military personnel prepare a helicopter for a search and rescue mission for the missing Malaysia Airlines (MAS) flight MH370 off Vietnam's southern coastline, at a military base on the southern island of Phu Quoc on March 10, 2014.
“In calm seas, if there were a soccer ball [football] or a basketball floating in the water, the radar could pick it up. They [flight recorders] typically have a radio beacon and so for example our P3 [radar] – if they are flying within a certain range of that – will pick up that radio beacon. We have not yet picked up anything, but that’s typically what those black boxes contain.”
While Muslim-majority Malaysia hasn’t seen any recent major terrorist attacks on home soil, it has been used as a transit and planning hub, according to a 2012 report by the U.S. State Department. China has occasionally suffered what it calls terrorist attacks by Uighurs, a mainly Muslim ethnic group from the nation’s northwest Xinjiang region.
AP Photo/Na Son Nguyen
AP Photo/Na Son NguyenShips are seen from a flying Soviet-made AN-26 of the Vietnam Air Force during a search operation for the missing Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 over the South China Sea Monday, March 10, 2014.
If terrorism was involved, the flight’s disappearance over water may not be a coincidence as that helps obscure evidence, said John Magaw, a consultant who formerly was administrator of the Transportation Security Administration and director of the U.S. Secret Service.
U.S. Representative Mike Rogers, chairman of the House intelligence committee, said he’s seen no indication the U.S. had picked up evidence of a mid-air explosion of the plane. The lack of such evidence “is certainly adding to the mystery,” Rogers said yesterday on ABC’s “This Week” program.
The presence of two passengers with stolen passports signals possible terrorism, said Magaw, citing intelligence warnings that multiple attackers might seek to elude detection by smuggling different parts of bombs onto planes and then assembling the pieces in restrooms.

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