Faudzil @ Ajak

Faudzil @ Ajak
Always think how to do things differently. - Faudzil Harun@Ajak

24 November 2014

EBOLA NEWS - Thailand: Man with suspected Ebola on the run

Man with suspected Ebola on the run 

Published: 24 Nov 2014 at 11.13 

Police and health authorities are searching for a man who arrived from Sierra Leone and was suspected of carrying the Ebola virus disease, after he failed to report for daily physical checkups from Nov 16.  

The Sierra Leone national aged 31, identified as Sesay Samuel, arrived at Suvarnabhumi airport with seven friends from the West African country on Nov 13. Health officials checked him and found symptoms suggesting he may be infected with the Ebola virus. 

He was taken for further examination at the communicable disease section of the Public Health Ministry and later sent at Mode Sathorn Hotel in Silom sub-district of Bang Rak district on Nov 15. 

Members of the group who accompanied him were told to report to health authorities daily for subsequent checkups, but authorities found out the following day that he neither showed up nor checked in at the hotel he had earlier reserved. His cell phone was turned off. 

Authorities were looking for him in areas that provide foreigners with accommodation in Bangkok and other provinces, and in popular tourist provinces. 

Health officials told the press late Monday morning that Mr Samuel was not diagnosed as having Ebola, but attempts to locate him continued nonetheless. 

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