What Is Positive Discipline in the Workplace?
by Stan Mack, Demand Media
Positive discipline encourages employees to improve
Positive discipline fosters appropriate behavior by encouraging employee participation. The first step is to lay out clear protocol and ethical guidelines to ensure your employees fully understand what you expect. The next step is to use constructive criticism to instill correct behaviors. For example, you might explain to an under-performing employee how her failure to follow proper protocol is hurting her performance and then offer helpful suggestions for increasing productivity.
Positive Reinforcement
An important element in positive discipline is positive reinforcement, which motivates your employees to comply with organizational protocols and standards. You might worry that being soft on your employees will encourage misbehavior, but rewards, bonuses, promotions and other types of positive reinforcement align employee interests with the company’s, inspiring employees to work harder.
Negative Discipline
Negative discipline consists of some form of punishment, such as negative criticism, demotion, wage loss, suspension or termination. Generally, negative discipline should be your last resort. You don’t want your employees to feel as if they are perpetually under attack. But don’t hesitate to use negative discipline in the event of illegal or unsafe employee behavior, such as sexual harassment, violence or failure to follow vital safety protocols.
Positive discipline fosters appropriate behaviors while maintaining a happy workplace. The keys are to involve and motivate employees as much as possible. Your goal is not to create automatons that obey your every command. Rather, strive to create high-functioning employees that understand why it is important to follow protocols and comply with organizational directives.
Follow a clearly defined disciplinary process to help employees improve. For example, the book “Positive Discipline,” by Eric Harvey and Paul Sims, suggests identifying the problem, analyzing its severity, discussing it with the employee, documenting the discussion and then following up on the measures to which you and the employee committed. Set a clear, achievable goal and a reasonable timeline to help the employee meet your expectations. Offer support and guidance throughout the process.
An important aspect of positive discipline is continual feedback. Employees need to know when they’re doing things right. If you limit your feedback to corralling misbehavior, your employees learn nothing more than how to stay out of trouble. Provide regular, constructive feedback so employees always know where they stand.
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