Faudzil @ Ajak

Faudzil @ Ajak
Always think how to do things differently. - Faudzil Harun@Ajak

9 December 2013

MIRACLE STORIES - I Am My Brother’s Keeper

This is a true story that happened to my Phillipino friend, R. A., who lives in Saudi Arabia. I am forwarding his story with his permission. It is so beautiful that I promised him to share it. Thank you and God Bless you! He apologizes for his grammar and typos. I posted it in its raw beauty.

25th December 2007, my brother Jojo from Iraq was calling me but I wasn’t able to answer it due to our customers. At 4pm that day I was calling him back but unfortunately the cellphone didn’t work. So I worried because no communication for 1 week.

January 02, 2008 I received a message from the Philippines and they said that my brother got hospitalized and he had received major operation due to intestinal glands, liver and some parts of organs in his stomach. Due to lack of facilities in Iraq, the ambulance took him off to Aljahra hospital in Kuwait last January 01,2008 at around 5pm.

So when I heard about what’s happening with my brother, I used to call my family in Philippines to find out if he was O.K. But I didn’t now because I didn’t want to worry my family, especially my mother, and cause them to think too much about the situation of my brother in hospital.

I continuously called the nurses and the assigned doctor in his ICU, but they just said O.K., O.K. Everyone just said O.K. till 15th of January, 2008, when the doctor told me honestly that my brother was in coma and his condition was so serious that he could die at anytime.

I just cried silently over the phone and I whispered to God to please help him and forgive and just take me first before my brother. Any bad news I received from hospital about my brother, I never told my family back home because I want them to think that my brother was in good condition and fully recovered and that at any time he might go back home.

But to be honest he was still unconscious. January 20,2008 I was calling to the hospital and the nurse told me that they needed more blood and they asked me to provide blood. I asked them how I could do that since I was in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. So I called them again and again to get a blood donor from a Filipino or ask the blood bank to put it for my brother. Believe me Mercy I couldn’t sleep and work properly because of thinking so much about my brother.

I kept praying, praying and praying. Then again I called them up January 22, 2008. The nurse in ICU section was talking to me and she knew me already as the brother of their patient. I ask her softly again asking about the condition of my brother.. She said oh thank God because we provided blood for your brother. No need to worry for him.

Ahhh .. I was in deep breath and oh God thank you. You answered our prayers.

January 25, 2008 again I called and they requested for me to come to Kuwait because they needed me to sign the papers because they were going to open the throat and to put a tube in so he could breathe. When I heard this, I felt something like a thousand tons of steel.

I told them .. please do something that you don’t need to put hole in his throat. But they said just try to come immediately if you can. I told them in loud voice I can’t go there and my boss is out of Saudi Arabia and he’s the only one can give me permission to go there!

Then they talked softly and said, please…if you want to see your brother alive come and help him for what we ask (signature). I just kept praying and I told all my customers, relatives and family and all passersby here in Jeddah that I need your help. Please…I’m not asking you to give material things. What I need is a PRAYER for my brother to recover.
Also I e-mailed Arabs news paper (Saudi leading news paper) in Philippines and the TFC channel worldwide (the filipino channel)to let everyone know that I have a brother in the Al Jarha hospital in Kuwait. I don’t ask material things. What I need is only the presence of the people who read the news about my brother to give him a big support.

Thanks to God, it worked. Now they no longer needed me to come to sign on the paper because there was no longer the need to open his throat. But I told myself I have to go with him and give him a big support because I visualized him alone in room and still unconscious. It was very hard for him.. And still I did not say anything bad to my family back home.

February 01, 2008 I arranged by myself all the documents to go to Kuwait to take care of my brother for 3 weeks because my boss gave me only three weeks vacation. I really don’t care about the expenses. What mattered most was to see him and give him a big support. I went to Kuwait embassy here in Jeddah but they refuse to give me a visa. I searched for the email address of my brother’s employer and thank God I found it and immediately emailed them for visa. Believe me mercy within 3 hours I received a visa.

February 06,2008 at 4pm, I traveling by SAPTCO bus Jeddah to Dammam for 21 hours in the middle of the dessert. But my confidence and determination and positive thinking and FAITH in GOD carried me through. I reached Damman terminal and the customs where they asked me for my original visa. I explain that I obtained my visa through the email. Then he looked at me and he said, O.K., you may go. You look like you are a good man.. Oh thank you God bless you..I immediately went to another bus going to Kuwait. Again it took 6 hours traveling. When we reached Saudi Arabia and Kuwait border, I was stopped by the two customs officials because my visa was not original. I believe they held me about two days because the one who had signed my visa had gone to Lebanon at that time..

Oh my God, I said to myself.. we are in the middle of the dessert and there’s no coffee shop and rest. I was sitting there when a Pakistani family came to me and ask me where was I going. I told them I wanted to visit my brother and he was in Aljara hospital ..they said oh sorry to hear that. But what are you going to eat? I told them as long as there’s water it’s O.K. for me. I thought they had left for Kuwait, but they came back after 15 minutes and gave a bag of food. What a kind-hearted family.. I told them thanks a lot.

Then February 9, a Syrian couple picked me up and gave me a ride to Kuwait City. I didn’t really know the place but I just kept asking and asking till I finally reached Aljahra hospital at exactly 9pm. My brother had just been transferred to ward section and that day he just came conscious. I saw that he was very thin and dehydrated. As I approached him slowly and he just opened his eyes and looked at ceiling.

I spoke loudly and asked him three times, do you know me brother? He looked at me about 10 minutes then he cried and cried without sounds because there was something on his mouth. What did I tell you! I told you I would come to you to take of you, to support you and we really love you. Don’t cry out loud because I am your brother that will give you big support. And he was so happy when I told him those words.

What I had read from the books I shared with him. Giving him daily massage therapy, helping him to eat, to walk, to talk again, to smile. And I told him we are guided by ALMIGHTY God, He’s the reason you’re back and recovered.

I prayed in front of him night and day, bringing him fresh fruits, and giving him hot soup, etc. to get back his natural color and freshness of his skin. Before I left, they told me that everything’s going to be O.K. with you brother and that time I called my family back home and for the first time since he was in serious condition, they heard my brother’s voice.

I was so happy for my brother and for myself because what I gave to him is from everyone, not only from me. I gave thanks to all the nurses and the doctor who helped my big brother and also the janitors and all the staff I saw in hospital. I bought new a cellphone for my brother and taught him again how to use it.

I left Kuwait on February 26,2008. I gave thanks to God because of HIM my mission had succeeded. On April 04, 2008 I sent my brother back to Philippines and all my love ones out there were so happy and grateful to me. Now my brother lives happily with his family and my mom, too.

Hope you understand it and I am so glad that I share this with you.. First time in my life to write like this because it is my own experienced. I called it about “LOVE and CARING”E. God bless us… I am always inspired by the love and grace of some rare people in this world. They truly angels in human form!

This miracle story submitted by “M.R.” from MN for her friend from the Philippines

Note: Some grammatical corrections were made after the story was submitted in order to insure that the heart of the story came through.

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