Faudzil @ Ajak

Faudzil @ Ajak
Always think how to do things differently. - Faudzil Harun@Ajak

1 February 2014

HIV/AIDS - Could a cure for AIDS lie in GERANIUMS? Plant extract prevents virus invading human cells

Could a cure for AIDS lie in GERANIUMS? Plant extract prevents virus invading human cells

  • The root extract can help treat HIV-1, the most common form of the virus
  • It contains a compound which prevents the virus replicating in the body
  • It blocks the attachment of HIV particles to human cells effectively preventing the virus invading cells
Geranium plants could hold the key to a new generation of HIV treatments, research suggests.
Extracts of the geranium plant Pelargonium sidoides inactivate HIV-1 and prevent the virus invading human cells. 
HIV is divided into two types – HIV-1 and HIV-2. HIV-1 is responsible for the majority of cases.
A compound found in geranium plants can be used to treat HIV-1, the most common form of the virus
A compound found in geranium plants can be used to treat HIV-1, the most common form of the virus
Researchers at the German Research Centre for Environmental Health, in Munich, say extracts from the geranium plants could represent a potential new class of anti-HIV-1 drugs for the treatment of AIDS.
They found that root extracts from the plants contain a compound that attacks HIV-1 and prevents the virus replicating inside the human body.
They found it also protects blood and immune cells from infection by the virus.
It blocks the attachment of HIV particles to human cells and, thus, effectively prevents the virus invading the cells.
Several clinical trials have already demonstrated that the geranium extracts are safe for human use and in Germany they are already licenced for use as a herbal medicine.
Research group leader Professor Ruth Brack-Werner said: ‘[Geranium] extracts are a very promising lead for the development of the first scientifically validated phytomedicine against HIV-1. 
‘[The] extracts attack HIV-1 with a mode of action that is different from all anti-HIV-1 drugs in clinical use. 
‘Therefore [they] may be a valuable supplement for established anti-HIV therapies.
The plant extract prevents the virus invading human cells and replicating inside the human body
The plant extract prevents the virus invading human cells and replicating inside the human body
‘Furthermore, [the] extracts are attractive candidates for increasing anti-HIV-1 therapy options in resource-limited settings, since they are easy to produce and do not require refrigeration. 
‘The results of our study and the proven safety of [the] extracts encourages their testing in HIV-1 infected individuals as a next step.’
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), more than 35 million people in the world are infected with HIV, the majority with HIV-1. 
Without treatment, HIV destroys the immune system and causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), which is a life-threatening disease. 
HIV/AIDS is one of the 10 leading causes of death worldwide.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2549649/Could-cure-AIDS-lie-GERANIUMS-Plant-extract-prevents-virus-invading-human-cells.html#ixzz2s0bQZjJS
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello viewers, my name Tamara Jurado is i am here to share my testimony about what Dr Enoma did for me, he revived me from dying. I confirmed that i was HIV positive when i was 6 weeks pregnant, i gave birth and later confirmed that my baby was also infected. i was frustrated and hopeless, i contacted Doctors and they all promised to help me but their effort was helpless. Some of my friends began to laugh at me and said that i will die miserably, i loosed hope and thought that my child and i will never be free of hiv till we die a shameful death, on a very good day i was browsing through the internet and i saw a testimony of one Precious in New York City talking about how Dr Enoma helped her cure her from hiv, i did not believe but i decided to give Dr Enoma a try and i contacted him with his Email and number, (Email: dr.enomaspellhome@gmail.com / Phone +2348128523785) He told me not to worry that he will help i and my daughter to be free of HIV and he ask me to send him some of my information, i did as he ask and he cast a spell and send it to me, he ask me to take it for 5 days and also give to my daughter, i did as he Ordered, on the 6th day he called me and ask me to go with my daughter to the hospital for HIV test, after the test result came out i confirmed that we are HIV negative i could not believe it, i share the tears of joy. I am so happy to tell the world that my daughter and i are HIV negative, we are now living a happy life without hiv.Please help me to thank Dr Enoma for his great power. If you have any problem feel free to contact Dr Enoma with his Email: dr.enomaspellhome@gmail.com or Phone +2348128523785. I guarantee you that he can also help you solve your problem.