Faudzil @ Ajak

Faudzil @ Ajak
Always think how to do things differently. - Faudzil Harun@Ajak

3 June 2014

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 266 (26/05/2014)

2651.            A surfer once sued another surfer for "stealing his wave." The case was thrown out
    because the court was unable to put a price on "pain and suffering" endured by the
    surfer watching someone else ride "his" wave.

2652.            Many people in parts of China eat insects. Some common insects are bean
    worms, scoprions, and locusts.

2653.            The largest dog in the world is the Irish Wolfhound.

2654.            Ernest Vincent Wright wrote a fifty thousand-word novel, "Gadsby," without any
    word containing the letter "e."

2655.            The projection light used for IMAX theaters can be seen from space.

2656.            The human liver performs over 500 functions.

2657.            Ballroom dancing is a course at Brigham Young University in Utah.

2658.            The word "maverick" came into use after Samuel Maverick, a Texan, refused to
    brand his cattle. Eventually any unbranded calf became known as a Maverick.

2659.            Finnish folklore states that when Santa comes to Finland to deliver gifts, he leaves
    his sleigh behind and rides on a goat named Ukko instead.
2660.            More than $1 billion is spent each year on neck ties in the United States.

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