Faudzil @ Ajak

Faudzil @ Ajak
Always think how to do things differently. - Faudzil Harun@Ajak

16 June 2014

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 288 (17/06/2014)

2871.            The Mount Horeb Mustard Museum which is located in Wisconsin has the biggest
    collection of prepared mustards. They have approximately 4,000 different jars and
    tubes from all over the world.

2872.            Bananas trees are not really trees. They are considered to be giant herb plants.

2873.            Sponge Candy was invented in Buffalo, NY.

2874.            When the volcano Krakatoa off the Java islands exploded in 1883, it was so loud
    that it woke some people up in South Australia.

2875.            Pearls are rarely found in North American oysters.

2876.            The average cocoon contains about 300-400 metres of silk.

2877.            Lake Nicaragua boasts the only fresh-water sharks in the entire world.

2878.            Boxing champion Gene Tunney taught Shakespeare at Yale University.

2879.            The most popular pickle is the Dill pickle.

2880.            Diabetes is the fourth leading cause of death in the U.S., accounting for about
    180,000 deaths per year.

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