Faudzil @ Ajak

Faudzil @ Ajak
Always think how to do things differently. - Faudzil Harun@Ajak

17 November 2014

EBOLA NEWS - Iowa soldiers expected to go to Africa to fight Ebola

Laura Nichols By Laura Nichols

Iowa soldiers expected to go to Africa to fight Ebola

 UPDATED 10:37 PM CST Nov 16, 2014

WASHINGTON, Iowa —The Iowa National Guard announced Sunday that it has been notified of a pending mobilization in support of Operation United Assistance, the U.S. response to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.

Approximately 80 soldiers from the Iowa Army National Guard, based in Washington, Iowa, may be deployed next spring for approximately six months.

"Our job won't be to treat the local population, but rather treat forces from the U.S. and the coalition,” said Col. Greg Hapgood of the Iowa National Guard.
The deployment is in support of the U.S. government in a humanitarian mission designed to stop the spread of the virus and keep it from becoming a "pandemic" that could potentially impact American citizens.
Hapgod said there are taking every step necessary to ensure the safety and health of these Iowa soldiers by giving them extensive training before they leave.
“We feel very comfortable and confident that they will have every tool they need to be a success,” Hapgood said.
The Iowa soldiers would provide medial support to the humanitarian effort to help. The deadly Ebola virus has killed more than 5,000 people since the outbreak began.
“They have extensive experience in media triage, treated casualties, transporting casualties. Things like that in a theater of operation, so they will do the exact mission they are trained to do in West Africa,” Hapgood said.
Deployment is not expected to exceed one year.
The same group of Iowa soldiers hugged their loved ones, saying goodbye as they prepared to head overseas in 2009 for the 294th Area Support Medical Company in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Officials said the Secretary of Defense chose this medical unit from Iowa because of its highly qualified soldiers.
They're hoping for a successful mission and a safe return just like they experienced in 2010, when the 294th walked into their homecoming ceremony and saw their families for the first time in a year. 


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