Age-proof your hands
Every year, women spend billions of dollars on anti-ageing
face creams. But what about another highly exposed,
and equally delicate, part of the body?

Next to your face, the skin on your hands is the most exposed part of your body. You can't hide them under clothes, conceal them behind high collars or scarves, and you can't cover them with make-up. As a result, your hands are exposed to a gamut of abuse on a daily basis, from the sun and the wind, to heat, air-conditioning and general wear and tear. And when it comes to others guessing your true age, they can often be the body part that gives the game away. While the backs of young hands are unblemished, unwrinkled and plump, older hands tend to look thin and bony, with loose, wrinkled skin and visible veins. The bad news doesn't end with these external factors. Genetics and gravity also have a role to play in the way our hands age.
Dr Jan Knight, a cosmetic physician and public relations officer for the Cosmetic Physicians Society of Australasia, says there are common problems associated with ageing hands. "Variation in colour is the most common issue, and it's far more ageing than wrinkles," she says. "These variations include brown spots such as seborrheic warts, and hyperkeratosis, or sunspots. Following this, it is prominent veins that are most apparent due to loss of dermal volume and sun damage."
The good news is that there are things you can do to improve the appearance of ageing hands."Creams that contain hydroquinone or other bleaching agents can help reduce pigmented spots," Dr Knight says. "Vitamin A cream and products containing glycolic acid can also help by making the skin look and feel smoother."
Another method that can remove spots, and which is inexpensive, is cryotherapy. "Cryotherapy freezes the cells containing the pigment, and causes them to blister and fall off," Dr Knight says. "Lasers or intense pulsed light therapy can help to rejuvenate hands, though the latter may require two to three treatments. A resurfacing laser treatment is another effective solution for removing spots." Dermal fillers can also be used to plump up hands and hydrate the skin so that veins appear less obvious, and specific formulas have been created for this purpose. As with all rejuvenation treatments, however, there are pros and cons.
"Lasers heat cells to cause cell destruction, for example, which means it will generally be uncomfortable, even painful," Dr Knight says. "And bleaching creams should be used with caution. There have been reports of possible adverse effects from the long-term use of low-strength bleaching agents, and short-term use of products containing very high concentrations. "What's important is that you see a qualified professional who will provide you with the most suitable treatment for your needs."
The test
Although my hands have sunspots, the main thing that has bothered me recently is their reduction in volume. As a result, my hands are a bit too skinny and the skin looks slack. I went to see cosmetic physician, Dr Peter Bakaric, at Sydney's Collagen Face Centre, to see what a dermal filler could do to improve them. Dr Bakaric uses two fillers to rejuvenate hands. "We use Mesolis+, which contains hyaluronic acid and glycerol, which rejuvenate skin through extreme hydration," he says.
"We inject the formula using micro-injections, very superficially into the skin, to treat wrinkles caused by dehydration, sun damage and premature ageing." He also uses Esthelis Soft, a super-soft dermal filler which is usually used to improve the crepey skin and shadows under the eyes. "It is good for rejuvenating hands that have lost volume, and is particularly suited to hands that appear bony or thin," Dr Bakaric says.
On my first treatment, Dr Bakaric used Mesolis+. The process was quick and virtually painless and afterwards my hands were slightly puffy, with tiny red puncture marks. The next day, however, they looked subtly plumper.
For the second treatment, Dr Bakaric used Esthelis Soft and injected it into the gaps between the bones of my hands. The procedure was exactly the same as the first treatment with the Mesolis+ and there was only minimal bruising afterwards. Immediately after the treatment, however, my hands looked plumper and decidedly more youthful.
Dermal fillers are not one-off treatments, so they can be expensive - they cost about $500 per millilitre. Typically, one millilitre of filler is injected into each hand per session. "Both of these treatments require maintenance," Dr Bakaric says. "You can expect the Esthelis to last about four to five months, although you can top up any time around the four-month mark for maintenance. Mesolis+ requires three initial treatments, usually six weeks apart to obtain optimal results, then once every six months to maintain."
* For more information, call (02) 9389 2099 or visit
The basics
One of the key elements of style is good grooming, but it's easy to sometimes let things go a bit. But according to leading make-up artist Napoleon Perdis, there are a number of grooming essentials that become even more important as a woman ages.
"One is a beautiful manicure, and another is having regular pedicures," he says. "Both show that a woman cares about her appearance. Also, an older hand or foot can still look sexy with beautifully groomed and maintained nails."
Dr Knight says using a daily sunscreen to protect hands is also vital, especially if you're planning a rejuvenation treatment. "There is little point in undergoing hand rejuvenation if you don't protect your hands afterwards," she says.
"Sunscreen is essential, and you should even consider wearing gloves when driving as your hands are often exposed to sunlight for a prolonged period of time. Hand creams can also be helpful to keep skin healthy and maintain the youthful appearance of your hands."
Tips for hand rejuvanation
Fading creams
Pros: Inexpensive, easy to apply, reduces the appearance of pigment and sunspots.
Cons: Requires a prescription. There can be adverse affects with long-term use of low-strengths creams and short-term use of high-strength creams. They take time to work.
Vitamin A cream
Pros: Inexpensive, easy to apply, makes skin feel smoother.
Cons: Requires a prescription, can make skin dry or peel, has associations with increased risk of some cancers.
Pros: Inexpensive, quick.
Cons: Can leave a white mark, stings for a while afterwards.
Pros: Removes spots, relatively painless, very little swelling.
Cons: Expensive, takes multiple treatments.
Pros: Reduces sunspots and the appearance of wrinkled skin.
Cons: Expensive, can be painful.
Dermal Fillers
Pros: Add volume to hands so they appear less thin and reduce the appearance of wrinkled skin.
Cons: Expensive, not permanent, possible bruising.
To find a cosmetic physician specialising in hand rejuvenation, visit
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