'We now know Brits cannot be counted on': White House snub as US and France prepare to strike Syria as early as TOMORROW over chemical attack that killed 1,429
- - Team of chemical weapons experts left war-torn country for Lebanon
- - U.S has 'high confidence' that Assad launched chemical weapons attack
- - Britain left sidelined after David Cameron's humiliating Commons defeat
- - Sources say White House 'now know the Brits cannot be counted on'
- - France could now join U.S in missile strikes against Syria
- - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry lavished praise on ‘oldest ally’ France
- - America says 1,429 people were killed in chemical attack
- - U.S. warships now in place in the Mediterranean carrying cruise missiles
U.S missile strikes against Syria could start tomorrow after U.N. weapons inspectors left the war-torn country earlier than expected.
The team of chemical weapons inspectors left their Damascus hotel early today - possibly for neighboring Lebanon - fueling speculation of an imminent attack.
It came as the White House delivered an astonishing snub to Britain following Thursday's shock Commons defeat, with sources saying David Cameron had 'bungled' securing British support for military action and that Britain 'cannot be counted on'.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry last night paved the way for war by saying the American intelligence community had 'high confidence' that the regime launched a chemical weapons attack on the outskirts of Damascus last week.
Britain has been left sidelined in any U.S military action against Syria following the humiliating Commons defeat - placing strain on the 'special relationship' with the U.S.
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Strike: The team of chemical weapons inspectors left their Damascus hotel early today fueling speculation of an imminent attack

Leaving: U.N. experts arrive at the entrance of the private jet terminal at Beirut international airport, Lebanon, following their departure from Syria

Departure: A Lebanese special forces policeman escorts the U.N. vehicles at Beirut international airport
Mr Kerry pointedly made no mention of Britain during his speech and instead lavished praise on its ‘oldest ally’ France - which looks likely to join the U.S in a missile strike.
He paid tribute to the French for standing ready to join the U.S in confronting the ‘thug and murderer’ President Bashar Assad. He also praised Australia and even Turkey for their support.
In a passionate speech in Washington, he urged the world to act as he warned 'history would judge us all extraordinarily harshly if we turned a blind eye to a dictator'.
President Barack Obama yesterday said he is weighing ‘limited and narrow’ action as the administration put the chemical weapons death toll at 1,429 people - far more than previous estimates - including more than 400 children.
Downing Street insisted the U.S special relationship was still intact following a telephone call between the Prime Minister and Mr Obama.

Protest: Anti-Syrian regime protesters carry a banner during a demonstration at Kafr Nabil in northern Syria

Worried: A family leave Syria today over fears the U.S could launch a missile strike

Leaving: Syrian families undergo security checks as they cross into Lebanon from Syria today
However, White House sources told The Times that David Cameron had 'bungled' securing British support for military action.
Another source with knowledge of how the White House reacted to Thursday's shock Commons defeat, said: 'It came as a real shock to them. They now know the Brits, because of their political system, cannot be counted on.'
Speaking to Channel 4 News, Philip Hammond, the Defence Secretary, expressed his frustration. He said: 'I'm disappointed , because we have a very close working relationship with the U.S.
'It is a difficult time for our Armed Forces - having prepared to go into this action - to then be stood down and have to watch while the U.S acts alone or perhaps acts with France.'

Decision time: President Barack Obama meets with his national security staff to discuss the situation in Syria, in the Situation Room of the White House

Snub: U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry lavished praise on France last night, calling it America's ¿oldest ally¿ as the two countries prepare for a missile strike against Syria

Halfway around the world, U.S. warships were in place in the Mediterranean Sea. They carried cruise missiles, long a first-line weapon of choice for presidents because they can find a target hundreds of miles distant without need of air cover or troops on the ground.
Seeking to reassure Americans weary after a decade of war in Iraq and Afghanistan, Obama insisted there would be no ‘boots on the ground.'
Russia's President Vladimir Putin said today that it would be 'utter nonsense' for the Syrian government to use chemical weapons when it was winning the war, and urged U.S. President Barack Obama not to attack Syrian forces.

Strain: Prime Minister David Cameron is pictured being driven away from the rear of Number 10 Downing Street last night . He has been left humiliated following Thursday's shock Commons defeat

Hard work: Labour leader Ed Miliband works in his office at Westminster yesterday after inflicting Thursday's humiliating Commons defeat for David Cameron

Determined: French President Francois Hollande has insisted he is ready to launch strikes on President Bashar Al-Assad's regime
The French people are overwhelmingly opposed to armed intervention in Syria, a new poll reveals today.
It follows President Francois Hollande's insistence that he is ready to launch strikes on President Bashar Al-Assad's regime in retaliation for the use of chemical weapons.
As supreme commander of France's armed forces, Mr Hollande is empowered to go to war without parliamentary approval.
But he will be extremely concerned by the results of today's BVA poll published in Le Parisien, the French capital's daily newspaper.
It shows that 64 per cent of the country are 'hostile' to taking part in military intervention in Syria.
Major concerns expressed are that such action will turn the country against West and increase the barbarity of Syria's civil war, which has already claimed more than 100,000 lives.
Of those questioned, 37 per cent believe military action will help turn Syria from a secular republic to an Islamist state.
Thirty five per cent think it will inflame the region, and 22 per cent think it will not change the lives of ordinary Syrians.
Others (17 per cent) express concern at the lack of clear evidence that Bashar has used chemical weapons, and 18 per cent think there will be retaliation against French interests.
Despite such statistics, BVA analyst Celine Bracq said the mood would change if the French do join the USA in military action.
'Be careful,' she said. 'The French are not for getting into a war, but they will largely get behind the head of state - by patriotic reflex - as soon as the operation is triggered.'
Mr Hollande has said that international action against Syria will 'strike a body blow' to Assad's regime, and could start as early as Wednesday.
He said he was determined to act, despite Britain's Parliament last week rejecting calls for an attack.
In an interview with this weekend's Le Monde, Mr Hollande said: 'Each country retains the sovereign right to participate or not in an operation. That applies to Britain as well as France.'
Putin said: 'That is why I am convinced that it (the chemical attack) is nothing more than a provocation by those who want to drag other countries into the Syrian conflict, and who want to win the support of powerful members of the international arena, especially the United States,"
Mr Cameron- who spoke to the U.S. President following Thursday's defeat - acknowledged that 'politics is difficult' .
But he said he would not have to apologise to Mr Obama for being unable to commit UK military units to any international alliance.
Setting out the approach he would now take to Syria, the Prime Minister said: 'I think it's important we have a robust response to the use of chemical weapons and there are a series of things we will continue to do.

Destruction: Residents inspect buildings damaged by what activists said were warplanes belonging to forces loyal to Syria's president Bashar Al-Assad in Iskat, near the Syrian-Turkish border

Lone supporter: President Francois Hollande of France is the only country supporting the United States as they contemplate armed action against Bashar Assad's regime over a suspected chemical weapons attack on his own people.
'We will continue to take a case to the United Nations, we will continue to work in all the organisations we are members of - whether the EU, or Nato, or the G8 or the G20 - to condemn what's happened in Syria.
'It's important we uphold the international taboo on the use of chemical weapons.
'But one thing that was proposed, the potential - only after another vote - involvement of the British military in any action, that won't be happening.
'That won't be happening because the British Parliament, reflecting the great scepticism of the British people about any involvement in the Middle East, and I understand that, that part of it won't be going ahead.'
Following the Prime Minister's conversation with the U.S. President, a Number 10 spokesman said: 'The PM explained that he wanted to build a consensual approach in Britain for our response and that the Government had accepted the clear view of the House against British military action.
'President Obama said he fully respected the PM's approach and that he had not yet taken a decision on the US response.
'The president stressed his appreciation of his strong friendship with the Prime Minister and of the strength, durability and depth of the special relationship between our two countries.
'They agreed that their co-operation on international issues would continue in the future and both reiterated their determination to find a political solution to the Syrian conflict by bringing all sides together.'
Anti-war protesters have hailed Parliament's vote against British intervention in Syria as a 'victory' as they gathered in Trafalgar Square today to show their opposition to military strikes.
Around a thousand campaigners carried banners with slogans such as No Attack on Syria and Hands Off Syria and Syrian flags.
Speakers addressed the crowd from below Nelson's Column as tourists visiting central London looked on.
'Never let them say demonstrations don't work - our demonstration has worked,' Lindsey German, convener of the Stop The War coalition, said to the cheers of protesters.
Stop the War coalition said that 5,000 people had turned out on a sunny and pleasant late summer day to back the protest.

The White House released this map detailing its understanding of the areas where chemical weapons were used
- U.S. intelligence community has 'high confidence,' short of actual confirmation, that the Syrian government carried out the chemical weapons attack on August 21.
- Members of the Syrian regime were preparing chemical weapons in the three days prior to the August 21 attack and protected themselves using gas masks.
- At least 1,429 Syrians were killed in the attacks, including 426 children.
- The weapons were launched from government-controlled areas into opposition-held or contested territory.
- The Syrian government has carried out smaller-scale chemical weapons attacks multiple times over the last year.
- U.S. intelligence officials 'intercepted communications involving a senior official intimately familiar with the offensive who confirmed that chemical weapons were used by the regime on August 21 and was concerned with the U.N. inspectors obtaining evidence'
- On the afternoon of August 21, intelligence officials learned that Syrian chemical weapons personnel were directed to cease operations
Women with Syrian flags painted on their faces chanted 'USA shame on you'.
There were also several trade union and Communist flags with the hammer and sickle on display.
Veteran left-winger and former Labour MP Tony Benn addressed the crowd and expressed his hope that 'the voice of peace should become the voice of Britain'.
After leaving Syria, the international contingent of weapons inspectors are heading to laboratories in Europe with the samples they have collected.
Video said to be taken at the scene shows victims writhing in pain, twitching and exhibiting other symptoms associated with exposure to nerve agents.
The videos distributed by activists to support their claims of a chemical attack were consistent with Associated Press reporting of shelling in the suburbs of Damascus at the time, though it was not known if the victims had died from a poisonous gas attack.
The Syrian government said administration claims were ‘flagrant lies’ akin to faulty Bush administration assertions before the Iraq invasion that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.
A Foreign Ministry statement read on state TV said that ‘under the pretext of protecting the Syrian people, they are making a case for an aggression that will kill hundreds of innocent Syrian civilians.’
Residents of Damascus stocked up on food and other necessities in anticipation of strikes, with no evident sign of panic.
One man, 42-year-old Talal Dowayih, said: ‘I am not afraid from the Western threats to Syria; they created the chemical issue as a pretext for intervention, and they are trying to hit Syria for the sake of Israel.’

Shortly after Kerry's remarks, President Obama said he is considering a 'limited, narrow act' against Syria
Obama met with his national security aides at the White House and then with diplomats from Baltic countries, saying he has not yet made a final decision on a response to the attack.
Mr Kerry said yesterday that the credibility and security of the U.S. and its allies are at stake.
'Some cite the risk of doing things,' he said. But we need to ask, “What is the risk of doing nothing?”'
The U.S. intelligence report said that about 3,600 patients ‘displaying symptoms consistent with nerve agent exposure’ were seen at Damascus-area hospitals after the attack.
To that, Kerry added that ‘a senior regime official who knew about the attack confirmed that chemical weapons were used by the regime, reviewed the impact and actually was afraid they would be discovered.’ He added for emphasis: ‘We know this.’
An estimated 100,000 civilians have been killed in more than two years, many of them from attacks by the Syrian government on its own citizens.
Obama has long been wary of U.S. military involvement in the struggle, as he has been with turbulent events elsewhere during the so-called Arab Spring. In this case, reluctance stems in part from recognition that while Assad has ties to Iran and the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah, the rebels seeking to topple him have connections with al-Qaida terrorist groups.
Still, Obama declared more than a year ago that the use of chemical weapons would amount to a ‘red line’ that Assad should not cross.
And Obama approved the shipment of small weapons and ammunition to the Syrian rebels after an earlier reported chemical weapons attack, although there is little sign that the equipment has arrived.
With memories of the long Iraq war still fresh, the political crosscurrents have been intense both domestically and overseas.
Dozens of lawmakers, most of them Republican, have signed a letter saying Obama should not take military action without congressional approval, and top leaders of both political parties are urging the president to consult more closely with Congress before giving an order to launch hostilities.
Despite the urgings, there has been little or no discussion about calling Congress back into session to debate the issue.
Lawmakers have been on a summer break for nearly a month, and are not due to return to the Capitol until Sept. 9.
Obama has not sought a vote of congressional approval for any military action. Neither Republican nor Democratic congressional leaders have challenged his authority to act or sought to have lawmakers called into session before he does.

Hundreds died in the alleged chemical attacks on Wednesday, including many women and children

Secretary of State John Kerry said images like these contributed to the U.S. assessment that chemical weapons were used in Syria
Senior White House, State Department, Pentagon and intelligence officials met for an hour and half Friday with more than a dozen senators who serve on the Foreign Relations and Armed Services committees, said Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del. He described the discussion as ‘open and constructive.’
The White House will brief Republican senators in a conference call today at the request of Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., a spokesman for the senator, Don Stewart, said.
Obama's efforts to put together an international coalition to support military action have been more down than up.
Hollande has endorsed punitive strikes, and told the newspaper Le Monde that the ‘chemical massacre of Damascus cannot and must not remain unpunished.’
American attempts to secure backing at the United Nations have been blocked by Russia, long an ally of Syria.
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has urged a delay in any military action until the inspectors can present their findings to U.N. member states and the Security Council.
'President Obama will ensure that the United States of America makes our own decisions on our own timelines, based on our values and our interests,' he said. 'Now, we know that after a decade of conflict, the American people are tired of war. Believe me, I am, too. But fatigue does not absolve us of our responsibility.'

Military intervention: A US Air Force plane lands at Incirlik Air Base in Turkey yesterday. United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has said the inspection team in Syria is expected to complete its work by today
He said the U.S. should also feel confident that it has the backing of a number of other nations, including Turkey, Australia, the Arab League and what he called America's 'oldest ally,' France.
Half of Americans say they oppose taking military action against Syria and nearly 80 percent believe Obama should seek congressional approval before using any force, according to a new NBC poll.
The administration supplemented Kerry's remarks Friday with the release of the intelligence report.
'It’s findings are as clear as they are compelling,' Kerry said.
The report concludes with 'high confidence,' short of actual confirmation, that the Syrian government carried out the chemical weapons attack.
'Our high confidence assessment is the strongest position that the U.S. Intelligence Community can take short of confirmation,' the report says.
'We intercepted communications involving a senior official intimately familiar with the offensive who confirmed that chemical weapons were used by the regime on August 21 and was concerned with the U.N. inspectors obtaining evidence,' the report continues. 'On the afternoon of August 21, we have intelligence that Syrian chemical weapons personnel were directed to cease operations.'

British Prime Minister David Cameron failed to secure Parliament's backing for military intervention in Syria
The findings also claim that Assad is the 'ultimate decision maker' for Syria's chemical weapons program and that his regime has used the weapons on a smaller scale against citizens several times in the past year.
'This assessment is based on multiple streams of information including reporting of Syrian officials planning and executing chemical weapons attacks and laboratory analysis of physiological samples obtained from a number of individuals, which revealed exposure to sarin,' the report says. 'We assess that the opposition has not used chemical weapons.' Sarin is a type of nerve gas.
The report further reveals evidence that the regime had been preparing chemical weapons in the three days prior to the attacks and protected themselves using gas masks.
'Syrian chemical weapons personnel were operating in the Damascus suburb of 'Adra from Sunday, August 18 until early in the morning on Wednesday, August 21, near an area that the regime uses to mix chemical weapons, including sarin,' the report says.
The report also cited evidence that the attacks were launched from regime-controlled areas into opposition territory or contested areas.

Calling Assad a 'thug' and a 'murderer,' John Kerry declared, 'History would judge us all extraordinarily harshly if we turned a blind eye to a dictator¿s use of chemical weapons.'
Several senior officials related before the release of the report that the intelligence was 'not a slam dunk' in terms of tying Assad's regime to the use of chemical weapons.
The term 'slam dunk' is a reference to the then-CIA Director George Tenet's assurance in 2002 that assessments showing that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction was a 'slam dunk.'
Kerry assured on Friday that the U.S. will not repeat the mistakes of the Iraq war.
'We are more than mindful of the Iraq experience,' Kerry said. 'We will not repeat that moment.'
He later added: 'Whatever decision [Obama] makes in Syria it will bear no resemblance to Afghanistan, Iraq or even Libya. It will not involve any boots on the ground. It will not be open ended. And it will not assume responsibility for a civil war that is already well underway.'
The administration briefed members of Congress on a conference call Thursday evening to explain its conclusion that Bashar Assad's government was guilty of carrying out a suspected chemical attack on August 21.
Following the call, House Democratic leader, Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California, sided with Republican Speaker John Boehner of Ohio in urging the administration to engage with the full Congress on the matter.
She also said that the administration must provide 'additional transparency into the decision-making process.'
U.S. Government Assessment of the Syrian Government’s Use of Chemical Weapons
The Syrian regime maintains a stockpile of numerous chemical agents, including mustard, sarin,and VX and has thousands of munitions that can be used to deliver chemical warfare agents.Syrian President Bashar al-Asad is the ultimate decision maker for the chemical weapons program and members of the program are carefully vetted to ensure security and loyalty. TheSyrian Scientific Studies and Research Center (SSRC) – which is subordinate to the SyrianMinistry of Defense – manages Syria’s chemical weapons program.We assess with high confidence that the Syrian regime has used chemical weapons on a smallscale against the opposition multiple times in the last year, including in the Damascus suburbs. This assessment is based on multiple streams of information including reporting of Syrianofficials planning and executing chemical weapons attacks and laboratory analysis of physiological samples obtained from a number of individuals, which revealed exposure to sarin.We assess that the opposition has not used chemical weapons.The Syrian regime has the types of munitions that we assess were used to carry out the attack onAugust 21, and has the ability to strike simultaneously in multiple locations. We have seen noindication that the opposition has carried out a large-scale, coordinated rocket and artillery attack like the one that occurred on August 21.
We assess that the Syrian regime has used chemical weapons over the last year primarily to gainthe upper hand or break a stalemate in areas where it has struggled to seize and hold strategicallyvaluable territory. In this regard, we continue to judge that the Syrian regime views chemicalweapons as one of many tools in its arsenal, including air power and ballistic missiles, whichthey indiscriminately use against the opposition.The Syrian regime has initiated an effort to rid the Damascus suburbs of opposition forces usingthe area as a base to stage attacks against regime targets in the capital. The regime has failed toclear dozens of Damascus neighborhoods of opposition elements, including neighborhoodstargeted on August 21, despite employing nearly all of its conventional weapons systems. Weassess that the regime’s frustration with its inability to secure large portions of Damascus mayhave contributed to its decision to use chemical weapons on August 21.

We have intelligence that leads us to assess that Syrian chemical weapons personnel – including personnel assessed to be associated with the SSRC – were preparing chemical munitions prior tothe attack. In the three days prior to the attack, we collected streams of human, signals and geospatial intelligence that reveal regime activities that we assess were associated with preparations for a chemical weapons attack.Syrian chemical weapons personnel were operating in the Damascus suburb of ‘Adra fromSunday, August 18 until early in the morning on Wednesday, August 21 near an area that theregime uses to mix chemical weapons, including sarin. On August 21, a Syrian regime element prepared for a chemical weapons attack in the Damascus area, including through the utilizationof gas masks. Our intelligence sources in the Damascus area did not detect any indications in thedays prior to the attack that opposition affiliates were planning to use chemical weapons.
The Attack:
Multiple streams of intelligence indicate that the regime executed a rocket and artillery attack against the Damascus suburbs in the early hours of August 21. Satellite detections corroboratethat attacks from a regime-controlled area struck neighborhoods where the chemical attacksreportedly occurred – including Kafr Batna, Jawbar, ‘Ayn Tarma, Darayya, and Mu’addamiyah.This includes the detection of rocket launches from regime controlled territory early in themorning, approximately 90 minutes before the first report of a chemical attack appeared in socialmedia. The lack of flight activity or missile launches also leads us to conclude that the regimeused rockets in the attack.Local social media reports of a chemical attack in the Damascus suburbs began at 2:30 a.m. localtime on August 21. Within the next four hours there were thousands of social media reports onthis attack from at least 12 different locations in the Damascus area. Multiple accounts described chemical-filled rockets impacting opposition-controlled areas.Three hospitals in the Damascus area received approximately 3,600 patients displayingsymptoms consistent with nerve agent exposure in less than three hours on the morning of August 21, according to a highly credible international humanitarian organization. The reported symptoms, and the epidemiological pattern of events – characterized by the massive influx of patients in a short period of time, the origin of the patients, and the contamination of medical and first aid workers – were consistent with mass exposure to a nerve agent. We also received reportsfrom international and Syrian medical personnel on the ground.

We have identified one hundred videos attributed to the attack, many of which show largenumbers of bodies exhibiting physical signs consistent with, but not unique to, nerve agentexposure. The reported symptoms of victims included unconsciousness, foaming from the noseand mouth, constricted pupils, rapid heartbeat, and difficulty breathing. Several of the videosshow what appear to be numerous fatalities with no visible injuries, which is consistent withdeath from chemical weapons, and inconsistent with death from small-arms, high-explosivemunitions or blister agents. At least 12 locations are portrayed in the publicly available videos,and a sampling of those videos confirmed that some were shot at the general times and locationsdescribed in the footage.We assess the Syrian opposition does not have the capability to fabricate all of the videos, physical symptoms verified by medical personnel and NGOs, and other information associated with this chemical attack.We have a body of information, including past Syrian practice, that leads us to conclude thatregime officials were witting of and directed the attack on August 21. We intercepted communications involving a senior official intimately familiar with the offensive who confirmed that chemical weapons were used by the regime on August 21 and was concerned with the U.N.inspectors obtaining evidence. On the afternoon of August 21, we have intelligence that Syrianchemical weapons personnel were directed to cease operations. At the same time, the regimeintensified the artillery barrage targeting many of the neighborhoods where chemical attacksoccurred. In the 24 hour period after the attack, we detected indications of artillery and rocketfire at a rate approximately four times higher than the ten preceding days. We continued to seeindications of sustained shelling in the neighborhoods up until the morning of August 26.To conclude, there is a substantial body of information that implicates the Syrian government’sresponsibility in the chemical weapons attack that took place on August 21.
As indicated, there isadditional intelligence that remains classified because of sources and methods concerns that is being provided to Congress and international partners.
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