Faudzil @ Ajak

Faudzil @ Ajak
Always think how to do things differently. - Faudzil Harun@Ajak

15 July 2014

AMAZING WORLD - Top 10 Rainiest Places on Earth

Article by kiran dave

Rains!  Every person has an exclusive relation with rains. Some love them, some hate them. More than half of us have a love-hate relation with Rains. Boys can call for a crazy football game during rains and for girls it might just be another excuse to buy florid or jazzy Umbrellas as a seasonal style statement. Rains might give us the pleasure after beholding the scenic and divine beauty in some places, while at some places it can prove to be a complete disaster in the form of Floods. Whatever and However the Condition is, the first drizzles of rain will always bring a smile on our face.People of many Countries believe that Rains are a communiqué from Gods, while some people in certain countries conduct holy rituals to please the Rain Gods for the rain to fall. When it comes to rains, Every one has a story to tell. For a matter of fact, every minute of everyday 1 billion tons of rain falls on Earth, altogether.
The Rainiest places on Earth are spoken of below:

10)  Emei Shan, Sichuan Province, China, Asia
mount emei
Mount Emei, one of the sacred Mountains in China. There is a phenomenon called as Clouds Sea that includes several cloud phenomena, For instance, clouds appearing in the sky above, in addition to the regular clouds beneath. This happens usually in the Monsoon.  The ambrosial and green mountains give us an idea of the heavy rain in the region Emei Shan is a city situated in the Sichuan province of China. the mountain’s name is merely a toponym that carries no additional meaning.
Administratively, Mt. Emei is located near the county-level city of the same name (Emeishan City), which is in turn part of the prefecture-level city of Leshan. It was made a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996.
 9) Kukui, Maui, Hawaii, Oceania
puu kukui hawaii
Kukui receives an average annual rainfall of 9293mm!
Puu Kukui is yet another mountain peak in Hawaii.t is the highest peak of Mauna Kahalawa. The peak was formed by a volcano whose caldera eroded into what is now called the Īʻao Valley.
It is the 9th wet place on Earth that receives an annual rainfall of 386.5inches of rain.  The rainfall that is unable to drain away flows into Hawaiian tropical forests making the soil dense and acidic.Due to the mountain peak’s extreme climate, many species, such as the ʻōhiʻa, are represented as dwarfs. Access to the area is restricted to researchers and conservationists.
8) Mt. Waialeale, Kauai, Hawaii, Oceania
The rainfall recorded here is 9763mm.
Mt.Waialeale is one of the lionized wet places in the world. The name itself means ‘Over-flowing water’. It is also a shield volcano.  The ground is so drenched and slippery that although trails exist, access by foot to the Waialeale area is extremely difficult. Rains are observed every bit of the year here. It is so surreal that people here live with rains perpetually.
Several factors give the summit of Waialeale more potential to create precipitation than the rest of the island chain. Researchers believe that it is due its conical shape that makes it so rainy.
7) Big Bog, Maui, Hawaii, Oceania
Big bog
The rainfall recorded in this place is 10272 mm
Yet another place in Hawaii, Maui islands is the 2nd largest Islands in Hawaii. Big Bog was not on the wettest places until 1992. Big Bog and Mount waialeale are known to be the regions receiving most consistent rains. The scenic beauty of these regions makes them one of the prominent tourist destinations. The bizarre part here is that Even the heaviest showers are hardly accompanied by thunderstorms or lightning.
The nature of the monsoon in these areas is at variance with this famous quote – “Be strong. Things will get better. It might be stormy now but rain does not last forever”
6) Debundscha, Cameroon, Africa
The rainfall recorded in Debundscha is 10299 mm.
Debundscha that is located in Africa, known as the hottest continent witnesses an elongated rainy season. The location of Debundscha’s coast and the massive Mount Cameroon behind it is the reason for the heavy rainfall. Debundscha is at the foot of the mountains, hence it receives heavy rain. Though it is a village, it is fairly populated. In spite of being the 6th rainiest place on Earth, Mount Cameroon which is in the same region does not observe rain at all. The climate of Debundscha is quite contradictory to the rest of the continent.
 5) Ureca, Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea, Africa
bioko island
The rainfall recorded here is 10450 mm.
Ureca, having its full name as San Antonio de Ureca is the wettest place in the African Continent.  It is a small village in the Bioko Islands and has close geographical proximity to Debundscha, Cameroon in Africa.The island is the northernmost part of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea. Cameroon is the world’s 53rd-largest country.
The fortunate part of Ureca is that this is one of the isolated settlements in the Bioko Island. The season is dry only from November to March, the rest of the months are rainy.
4) Cropp at Waterfall, New Zealand
cropp river
The rainfall received here is 11516 mm.
Cropp River is a river in New Zealand which is only 9 km long. This weather contradicts the usual arid weather from the majority of New-Zealand. The highest rainfall in a year in New Zealand was a drenching 18.4 meters (60 feet) in 1997-1998 at Cropp River.
New zealand is generally known as an Island country. Aotearoa (often translated as “land of the long white cloud”) is the current Māori name for New Zealand, and is also used in New Zealand English.
3) Tutendo, Colombia, South America
It receives 11770mm of rainfall. 
Tutendo, is  not a  very famous place in the North western region of Colombia in South America. There are 2 rainy seasons in this region which is one of the essential reasons of why it captures the place of the 3rd wettest place in the world. People have small houses here and are always covered with water-proof sheets. In spite of being the third wettest place in the world, not much is known about this place. Due to its geographical location, the present territory of Colombia was a corridor of populations between Mesoamerica, the Caribbean, the Andes and the Amazon.
2) Cherrapunji, Meghalaya State, India, Asia
 The Rainfall recorded in this region is 11777 mm.
Cherrapunjee is In India, which is apparently believed to have the highest rainfall in the world actually holds the 2ndrank. In spite of being the 2nd wettest place on Earth, post monsoon it is very dry and as much as people find it difficult to drink water.  A highlight able feature of rains here are that, most of the rainfall is observed during the day time as compared to Post Meridian.The Double Decker Root Bridge  is a two-tier living root bridge which is estimated to carry at least 50 or more people at a time and is over 100 feet long.  There are many such small bridges in Cherrapunjee, and people believe it to be Gods return gift against the harsh wet climate
1) Mawsynram, Meghalaya State, India, Asia
The rainfall recorded here is 11871 mm.
And, the place that receives the highest rainfall on the Earth is Maysynram located in the State of Meghalaya In India.
Due to this bitter-sweet characteristic of this region it seldom gets hot here. A hanging wire bridge takes one across the river and into the village. The figures for Mawsynram are still being disputed. Mawsynram and Cherrapunjee, both are known for living root bridges, and it calls out to be really helpful for the locals during monsoon to travel from place to another.Such bridges are found exclusively only In these 2 places in the world
The people living in such wet places are truly commendable and also it breeds curiosity of getting acquainted of their lifestyle and varied opinions and connections about rains
Source: http://listdose.com

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