Faudzil @ Ajak

Faudzil @ Ajak
Always think how to do things differently. - Faudzil Harun@Ajak

12 May 2013

CHEMICAL SAFETY - Safe Handling of Chemicals at Work


By Faudzil Harun

Purchasing and Receiving 

1.  Obtain MSDS prior to the purchase.
2.  Specify the supplier's responsibilities to ansure safety during delivery.
3.  Request for delivery personnel record of training (chemical safety).
4.  Control the excess and egress of the loading/unloading area.
5.  Prepare transporting device prior to receiving.
6.  Do not receive product which are not properly packed or properly labelled.
7.  Do not received damage containers.
8.  Register the product promptly after receiving.
9.  Supervise all receiving and transporting activities.


1.  Allow only trained employee to handle chemicals.
2.  Avoid manual handling to reduce the risk.
3.  Transfer of chemical to smaller container require special precautions.
4.  Do not transfer chemicals to unlabelled containers.

Necessary Actions to Accidential Spills

1.  Give immediate warning of the incident.
2.  Open all door and windows.
3.  Wear approriate PPE.
4.  Control the spillage using absorbents.
5.  Do not sweep off the spilage.
6,  Collect the spilled chemical and store into durable containers.
7.  Label the waste approriately.


Warehouse Operation

1.  Seperate warehouse from the working area.
2.  Establish safe handling and personal hygiene procedures.
3.  Establish emergency response procedures.
4.  Provide approriate training to warehouse staff.
5.  All activities must be supervised by trained  supervisor.
6.  Provide MSDS for all materials stored in the warehouse.
7.  Place all electrical switches outside the operating floor.
8.  Do not allow staff with poor vision or hearing to work in the operation.

Storage Plan

1.  Establish floor layout plan that shows the emergency response aid / 
     equipment location, escape route, dangerous occurence alarm button and 
     type of chemicals stored by its classification.
2.  Provide clear and ample walking space for material inspection.
3.  Provide clear and sufficient lift truck route.
4.  Provide clear space for fire fighting purpose.
5.  Do not stack materials higher than 3 meters high (unless with the use of 
     strong and efficient racking system). 
6.  Do not stack heavy materials that can cause damages to the lower tiers.

Material Separation

1.  Store chemicals seperately by its classification.
2.  Highly toxic materials must be stored with strict control.
3.  Establish material separation and identification instruction.

Fire Protection

1.  Use fire rated wall and doors.
2.  Do not store oxidizing materials with flammables.
3.  Fire and explosive materials must be stored in a fire rated store 
     (23cm brick wall or 15cm concrete wall).
4.  Keep store cool and dry all the time.
5.  Eliminate all source of ignition.
6.  Avoid direct heat contact.
7.  Install heat, smoke and flame detector, as far as it is practicable.
8.  Provide approriate and sufficient fire fighting agent.


1.  Treat all effluent (when necessary) before release to the disposal area.
2.  Do not pill-off label or symbol of the container.
3.  Observe and comply with legislative requirement (swcheduled waste 
     regulations etc.).