25 Tips on How to Achieve Balanced Health Triangle
By Faudzil Harun
1. Smile always.
2. Eat healthy foods.
3. Drink plenty of water.
4. Exercise regularly.
5. Practice self-discipline.
6. Practice good hygiene.
7. Manage you time.
8. Avoid doing too many things at the same time.
9. Set simple achieving goals (one at a time).
10. Find relaxing time for yourself.
11. Enjoy your free time.
12. Try new hobby.
13. Read motivating books.
14. Get enough sleep.
15. Make good decisions.
16. Express your feelings to the correct people.
17. Throw-out your anger in a safe manner.
18. Break your problems into smaller components.
19. Build human relations.
20. Be very helpful.
21. Pray very hard.
22. Don't be selfish.
23. Don't be greedy.
24. Avoid envy.
25. Avoid critical peoples.

2. Eat healthy foods.
3. Drink plenty of water.
4. Exercise regularly.
5. Practice self-discipline.
6. Practice good hygiene.
7. Manage you time.
8. Avoid doing too many things at the same time.
9. Set simple achieving goals (one at a time).
10. Find relaxing time for yourself.
11. Enjoy your free time.
12. Try new hobby.
13. Read motivating books.
14. Get enough sleep.
15. Make good decisions.
16. Express your feelings to the correct people.
17. Throw-out your anger in a safe manner.
18. Break your problems into smaller components.
19. Build human relations.
20. Be very helpful.
21. Pray very hard.
22. Don't be selfish.
23. Don't be greedy.
24. Avoid envy.
25. Avoid critical peoples.