Indian train station lays claim to world's longest platform: It measures almost a mile long
- - The 1366-metre long platform at Gorakhpur railway station in Uttar Pradesh is the world's
longest, according to Indian railway officials - - New platform - unveiled on Monday following some remodelling work - can accommodate
two 26 carriage trains at the same time - - Britain's longest at Cheriton Shuttle Terminal, Folkestone is fourth on the list of the longest
rail platforms in the world, measuring 791-metres
Try racing for a seat on this one - a suburban train station in northern India has laid claim to a railway platform measuring a staggering 1366-metres.
The new platform - unveiled on Monday following some remodelling work - can accommodate two 26 carriage trains at the same time.
Gorakhpur railway station in Uttar Pradesh is claiming it as the world's longest, according to Indian railway officials.

A suburban station in northern India has laid claim to owning the world's longest platform - measuring a staggering 366-metres,
according to the country's railway officials.
It has already been recognised by the Limca Book of Records, which recognises Indian achievements, and officials at Guinness have been notified so they can verify it as the world's longest.
Once confirmed, Gorakhpur railway station will supersede another Indian platform in the West Bengal town of Kharagpur, which earlier held the record at 1072-metres.

Gorakhpur railway station in Uttar Pradesh, India - claiming to have the world's longest railway platform

Travellers gather on Gorakhpur, railway platform - at 1366-metres, claiming to be the world's longest
Senior Railway department official, Mr KK Atal, said: 'I congratulate the people of Gorakhpur on obtaining the privilege of the world's longest railway platform.'
Other than West Bengal's Kharagpur, the only other rail platform rivalling Gorakhpur is State Street Centre subway station in Chicago, which measures 1067-metres. It is the longest in the United States.
Cheriton Shuttle Terminal, Folkestone - Britain's longest - is fifth on the list of longest rail platforms in the world, measuring 791-metres.
Gorakhpur station is a busy hub for foreign and local tourists who visit Gorakhpur, which is home to several historic Buddhist sites.
Gorakhpur is named after ascetic Guru Gorakshnath, who popularised many forms of yoga.

An unveiling ceremony for the new railway platform in Gorakhpur, India, which is claiming to be the world's longest
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