Hanging out on the roof of the world: Stomach-churning pictures of Russia's death-defying 'skywalkers'
- People photograph themselves at the top of buildings in 'rooftopping' craze
- Photos of Moscow-based Kirill Oreshkin show him hanging above city
These photos are not for the faint-hearted or those with a fear of heights. They capture a man enjoying ‘rooftopping’, a hobby which has him living life literally on the edge.
This striking series of photos show ‘rooftopper’ Kirill Oreshkin and his daredevil friends at the top of buildings, cranes, and construction sites – standing or even dangling from the top.
The trend of rooftopping, or skywalking, has been documented in the last few years, and seems to be quite popular in Russia and Ukraine. It sees daredevils climb to the top of structures to take a unique, vertigo-inducing selfie.
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Rooftop daredevil: Kirill Oreshkin climbs high structures for some death-defying photographs and even risks dangling by one hand

Skywalkers: Mr Oreshkin's photographs also show his friends posing hundreds of metres above the ground, including this unnamed girl

Each of these adventurous feats is capture in photos or videos, which are shared on blogs and rooftopping websites
The young Moscow-based photographer completes his daredevil feats without a harness or safety net, but with a friend, who takes his picture.
Despite the danger of his hobby, Oreshkin appears perfectly calm in the photos, even in the ones that show him hanging from structures by one hand.
The feats of these daredevils are quite alarming. In one video posted on his personal website, Oreshkin’s friend Mustang Wanted does chin-ups a few hundred metres above the ground in Kiev.
Despite all appearances, the rooftoppers say they take what they do seriously. Mustang Wanted writes on his website:
‘[T]he following videos and photos feature stunts performed by professionals. I really insist that no one attempt to recreate or re-enact any stunt or activity performed on this site. Even if you’re totally sure that you can do that, you are putting yourself in danger. So, please, don’t try to recreate my stunts. I mean it!’

Beautiful view: This woman seems perfectly comfortable perching on a star hundreds of feet above the city

Bridges, skyscrapers and construction sites are all prime targets for these death-defying stunts

Adrenaline junkees: Rooftoppers take photos of the city below and of themselves perched precariously on top of buildings

Action man: It seems impossible that he is even supporting his own weight by hanging from one hand off this blue beam

Taking their lives in their hands: The rooftoppers do not wear harnesses or operate with a safety net

The young photographer is pictured here engaged in the trend of rooftopping or skywalking. It is quite popular in Russia and Ukraine

The group also go climbing at night (left) while in the shot on the right, Oreshkin pauses to take a selfie while perched on a star

Amazing view: The rooftoppers often capture amazing images of a city from above
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2559158/Stomach-churning-pictures-Russias-death-defying-skywalkers.html#ixzz2tKoA8ddM
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